This week the cosmic emphasis shifts into detecting, shamanic Scorpio, and the influences getting underway now are set to stay with us for the remainder of 2019. On Wednesday the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in the fixed water sign of Scorpio and the week concludes with a provocative new Scorpio moon. Venus gets things started with an insightful trine to Neptune on Monday, and on Friday she’ll compare notes with astute Pluto when the two form a productive sextile. Mars and Saturn show us where resolution is needed when they make a tough square on Sunday morning, right before the dark moon slips into Scorpio. Sunday night’s new Scorpio moon is opposite of unorthodox Uranus. With a pending Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, October 31-November 20th, some truths are about to be unearthed. The involvement of Uranus at this new moon suggests that the coming revelations will be surprising, if not shocking. By the time the Sun finishes its journey through Scorpio on November 22nd, Mars will have moved into the transformative sign, and it will remain there until early January. Best look? A pure heart, clean mirror and secured seat belt.
The next few weeks have especially good aspects for getting to the bottom of things, for making life-changing decisions and for rediscovering one’s personal power. If you’d like some insight, guidance and support, email me at elizabeth at elizabethsoracle dot com to schedule your reading. Sale ends November 3rd.
150 Minutes & Multiple Readings$555.00
60 Minute Reading$222.00
30 Minute Reading$111.00
20 Minute Reading$88.80