The week begins with a fixed, futuristic Aquarius moon squaring the Sun in equally fixed Scorpio and energizing Mars, presently in the sign of justice, via an uplifting trine on Monday, and a colossal square between Mars and Pluto on Tuesday. By Friday, the Sun, Saturn and Neptune will be on point and on purpose, as their considerable forces are joined. Their cooperative alignments include a Sun Saturn sextile, a Sun Neptune trine and Saturn’s final sextile to Neptune (until 2031). The Sun describes our identity. Saturn enforces the law and Neptune helps us see the bigger picture. All of this is happening under the intensive scrutiny of Mercury’s retrograde in Scorpio. The truth is coming out, like it or not, and it’s time to face the music. In its highest form, Scorpio is here to heal. Because daylight is the best disinfectant, the Sun and Mercury may very well be exposing what we’d prefer to ignore, those insidious shadows. Whether we choose consciousness or not is up to us. But whatever that choice, we’re still operating under their influence. When we’re willing to examine our feelings, motives and histories deeply and honestly, we create room for improvement. In a week starting off under an Aquarius moon, a force pointing towards outcomes and our future condition, the revelations emerging now are part of shaping what will become. Illusions we want to cling to are set for another jolt on Sunday, when the Taurus moon, building towards full strength, connects with disruptive Uranus. All of this week’s goings on are leading us right up to Mercury’s transit of the Sun, on the 11th and the full moon on the 12th. We are being asked what stories we tell ourselves, which ones are false or unhealthy and what we’re prepared to do differently to create more peace in our lives. Indeed, this is some weighty cosmic stuff. But then again, it’s Scorpio Time!
150 Minutes & Multiple Readings$555.00
60 Minute Reading$222.00
30 Minute Reading$111.00
20 Minute Reading$88.80
15 Minute Reading$66.60
10 Minute Reading$44.40