Starting on May 16th a t-square involving Mars, Jupiter and Pluto will begin taking shape. It will culminate on the 22nd when a Mars square to Jupiter becomes exact. Reverberations will be felt in the following days and weeks. The combination of Mars, Jupiter and Pluto is an interesting one. Boiled down to its most basic elements, this is a mixture of passion, expansion and transformation. On the geo-political stage and darker side, the war between nuclear armed nations could easily escalate during this time. On the brighter side, unprecedented international alliances, agreements and systems may suddenly emerge. On a personal level, this trio presents a powerful opportunity to abandon ambiguity and to chart a bold new course. It is, after all, taking place when all three planets will be at 0º, the point of infinite possibility. Moreover, Mars is exiting a difficult eight-month period, Jupiter will be starting its yearlong Taurus visit, and Pluto has only just begun its exploration of Aquarius, a venture that will last into 2044. Finally, once the Taurus ingress starts, Jupiter will be on its way to an April 2024 rendezvous with innovating Uranus. Blockbusting and breathtaking breakthroughs, especially in science and technology, are the historical legacy of this pairing. With such grand aspects set to unfold, a little contemplation is in order. In fact, the planets have already been prompting some heartfelt reflection.

Back on April 7th Mercury entered the shadow zone of its present retrograde. In the immediate aftermath of April 20th’s momentous eclipse, that retrograde got underway, at 15° Taurus 37′. On May 14th, Mercury will station direct at 5° Taurus 51′ and on the 31st leave the Rx zone altogether. Curiously, Mercury will sextile Saturn on May 12th and 18th. It’s as if some key point is being added to this review period. Following up on the mental messaging from Mercury, the Sun will enter keen Gemini, one of Mercury’s homes, on the 21st. What the mind hasn’t sorted out during this time, the emotions have surely been bringing to the surface. Between Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, Mars in Cancer and May 5th’s full Scorpio Moon and eclipse, with its connection to the South Node, the waves have been surging. On March 25th, Mars entered nostalgic Cancer, the sign of its fall. The Moon-ruled sign of motherhood, hearth and home, with its ever-fluctuating emotional tides, is downright uncomfortable for the adventuring ruler of Aries. Nonetheless, probing Mars has had to brave hyper emotional waters for nearly two months. Before making his way to the more agreeable space of fiery Leo, Mars will have to navigate through one last tidal wave, May 15th’s trine to oceanic Neptune. Perhaps all of the heart-wrenching and purging of past grievances has been in preparation for the incoming, massive 0º t-square. On the 16th, Jupiter will begin its Taurus transit, initiating the start of that t-square. A new Moon, at 28º Taurus 25′, will take place on the 19th, and Mars will enter Leo on the 20th, and directly oppose Pluto. Fire away!