The fixed air sign of Aquarius is often associated with electricity. Contributing to its frenzied feel is its rulership by erratic Uranus. This year’s solar cycle was all the more charged because Pluto accompanied the Sun when it entered Aquarian skies. Additionally, the Sun and Mercury formed tense squares to Jupiter and Uranus in fixed Taurus throughout the cycle. Those continuous surges may have left many feeling frayed, if not fried. Within the past week Mars and Venus have also moved into Aquarius, and they too will conjoin Pluto before squaring Jupiter and Uranus. That said, the Sun is now entering the watery worlds of Pisces. In the mellow, mutable water sign, the Sun will form conjunctions with Mercury, Saturn and Neptune, as well as the new Pisces Moon on March 10th. From peaceful Pisces, the transiting planets are more apt to bring out the placid, easy-going side of Taurus when sextiles, instead of squares, are formed to Jupiter and Uranus. In short, a respite from the chaotic currents of late is at hand.

The Sun’s visit to holistic, reflective Pisces starts on the 18th and can be thought of as a celestial retreat. It offers the chance to pause, relax and release before the Sun heads into combustible Aries. This year’s sojourn begins under a soothing Cancer Moon, supporting instinctive impulses towards self-care and enhancing psychic insights. The Moon will linger in its home sign from the 18th through the 21st, giving everyone time to shift gears. Venus and Mars will conjoin on the 21st in wired Aquarius, perhaps sending out another shockwave. But on the 22nd mental Mercury will move into Pisces where the contemplative qualities of the sphere can color thoughts, guidance and expression. The next high-water mark occurs on the 28th when the Sun, Mercury and Saturn share conjunctions and the Moon moves into Scorpio. Saturn represents boundaries and structures and the fixed nature of this Moon placement could see tensions resurface. However, under the influence of flexible Pisces, limits may be reached just as easily as solutions are discovered. More intuitive intelligence arrives on the 8th when Mercury conjoins Neptune. On the 10th the new Pisces Moon appears at 20º Pis 20′, unveiling a sizable well of imagination to drop down into. It’s worth noting that this Moon will culminate in the year’s first eclipse on the 25th in cardinal Libra. Venus enters Pisces on the 11th, immersing all in the soft power of beauty and inspiration until April 4th. On the 17th the Moon will return to nurturing Cancer, for the second time during this solar cycle, as a Sun Neptune conjunction becomes exact. This is the final chance to indulge in the restorative tides of Cancer, while tapping into the poetry and prescience of Pisces, before the skies resume the next activating phase. The Sun will enter Aries on the 19th, marking the Spring Equinox, while the Moon roars into the fellow fire sign of lively Leo. Until then, there are a few weeks to ride the empathic and integrative waves of the twelfth sign.