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If the past seven months to a year have served up more than your share of intensity, delays or dilemmas, take heart; we are set for a celestial turning point. The cycle ahead will host both a release of planetary tensions and a coalescing of new and progressive energies. The pivotal figure in this cosmic play is none other than the king of planets, Jupiter. Its move from the Cardinal water sign Cancer into the Fixed fire sign Leo on July 16th not only begins the disintegration of the Gand Cardinal Cross, but also strengthens a decisive elemental shift in the heavens. Additionally, Mercury will end a seven-month-long series of personal planet retrogradation when is stations on July 1st, Saturn will turn direct on July 20th and Mars will move past the shadow of its retrograde late in the cycle. Our journey through this tidal change begins at 4:51 A.M. MST on June 21st when the Sun enters Cancer.
Back in April four planets met at fourteen degrees of each Cardinal sign, and that event was bookended by two powerful eclipses. Since then, those four planets have begun to move further apart, lessening the tension between them. For most of us, a noticeable decline in drama should be taking place. During the incoming cycle, one of those four players, Jupiter, will leave the cross for good, and by late July, another key cross component, Mars, will also move from a Cardinal to a Fixed sign. Then the once formidable Grand Cardinal Cross will be reduced to an inexact Pluto Uranus square. For now Pluto is powered down in its annual retrograde and electrifying Uranus set for its yearly unplug starting on July 21st. Those two powerhouse planets will form their final two exact squares between now and March of 2015. But for the time being, the only points of Cardinal contention in the offing are a Mars opposition to Uranus on June 25th, the Sun’s opposition to Pluto on July 4th and its squares to Uranus July 8th and Mars on July 18th and the full Capricorn moon’s opposition to the Sun on July 12th. Even in those uncomfortable conflicts, there is cosmic wisdom to be gleaned. For example, in his book “The Astrology Of Awakening” Eric Meyers shares the following about constructively working with the polarity of sober Capricorn and emotional Cancer.
“Capricorn involves maturation – taking a sober look at the state of things and complying with reality. Since the past is the past, it is unrealistic to attempt to go back and change what happened. Therefore, the most logical and strategic plan (Capricorn) is to completely accept reality. Then we can legitimately become the master (Capricorn) of our emotions (Cancer) instead of being unconsciously and reactively driven by them.”

Mercury’s retrograde through July 1st, with its Neptunian retrograde undertow, will give us time to revisit unresolved emotional issues. Once direct in social, cerebral Gemini, accompanied by attractive Venus, it will offer new information, contacts and ways of seeing our circumstances. Finally, under that full Capricorn moon, Mercury will move into Cancer, a combination that suggests that the emotional maturity needed to make peace with the past is at hand. Also supporting emotional resolutions during this cycle will be Neptune, Saturn, Chiron and Cancer’s ruler, the moon. In nurturing Cancer, the Sun will trine Neptune on June 29th, Saturn on July 8th and Chiron on the 9th. Also from Cancer, Mercury will trine Neptune on July 18th. These linkups offer opportunities to listen with your heart and to act in ways that foster peace and well-being within yourself and with others. The new Cancer moon of June 27th as well as the lunar transits of fellow water signs Scorpio from July 6th-8th and Pisces from July 14th-16th, will also give us time to reflect, feel and heal. But the days of introspection are numbered.
Jupiter’s move from watery Cancer to fiery Leo not only breaks up the Grand Cardinal Cross, it also rebalances the planetary elemental mix. With Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter’s year-long Cancer transit has lent considerable weight to the earth and water, or yin, elements of astrology. During most of that time the lunar Nodes were also in the earth and water signs of Taurus and Scorpio. With the Nodes now firmly on the Aries/Libra, or fire/air, axis and Uranus midway through Aries, Jupiter’s move to the fire element broadens the yang or outgoing influence. Later this year Saturn will enter astrology’s third fire sign, Sagittarius, putting an important planet in each fire sign. In short, we’re moving out of contemplation and into action, and the cycle ahead is when changes begin to take form. So, enjoy soaking up care-giving Cancer rays and get ready for your moment in the Sun.