Behind the busy scenes of the Sun and Mercury jumping into chatty Gemini, a much subtler and more impactful aspect is taking shape. Neptune in Pisces creates a supportive trine to the North Node in Cancer late Tuesday night. This connection gives us both some relief from the ongoing and more direct Pluto and Saturn oppositions to the North Node and the ability to gently release what is no longer needed, Unlike the fast-paced inner planet transits, the influence of this trine lasts for at least two to three weeks, if not months, on either side of its exact connection point. Gently dissolving hard lines to facilitate the soul’s growth is what you may be experiencing internally. So, while the world outside might get carried away with Gemini chatter, you may be guided to unplug and spend some alone time. Meditating on your life’s next big steps is being supported by the spiritual and agreeable combination of Neptune and the North Node.
10 Minute Reading$44.40
15 Minute Reading$66.60
30 Minute Reading$111.00
20 Minute Reading$88.80
60 Minute Reading$222.00
30 Minute Sound Bath$88.80
150 Minutes & Multiple Readings$555.00