Fresh on the heels of a contentious Aries full moon, the week begins with more cardinal sign conflict. It comes in the form of a Libra Sun square to Pluto in Capricorn on Monday. Adding to the fallout, the Taurus moon will hook up with wild Uranus that morning, and then things will have a chance to settle down. Fortunately, after the rocky start, the planets form powerful and productive alignments for the remainder of the week. On Tuesday, Messenger Mercury in truth-seeking Scorpio, trines creative, psychic Neptune in holistic Pisces. These two will meet again on November 9th during Mercury’s retrograde, and both meetings are a variant of November 8th’s Sun, Saturn and Neptune collab, the one that contains the year’s final Saturn Neptune sextile. Take note of the insights that show up now: they have big implications for the coming weeks. Pisces concerns matters of spirit and Capricorn concerns matter itself. After Tuesday’s Neptune trine, informative Mercury sextiles Pluto on Saturday, and on Sunday Venus sextiles constructive Saturn. Additionally, Venus and Mercury are both in Scorpio and Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn, and Pluto rules Scorpio. In short, the energies of all of the involved planets are fortifying one another, and there is deep understanding and a sense of mutual purpose among these players. So after the bumpy start, inspiration, pragmatism and structure are poised to bless sound hunches and integral work. Best look: a dream journal, a handful of sharpened pencils and rolled-up sleeves.
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