Over the next couple of weeks Mars and Venus will form exact squares to game-changing Uranus. Disruptive, unruly Uranus is typically an unwelcome guest. And when the planet of sudden, irrevocable change partners with an inner planet to create personal upheaval, its presence is all the more unwanted. However, when carefully examining the changes being prompted by the unorthodox planet, we may conclude that they are precisely what is needed, and maybe long overdue. In the case of Mars in dramatic Leo for instance, aggressive tendencies can stir up the more ferocious side of the fixed fire sign. But, even anger is a roadmap. On the other hand, Mars’s motivational power may find the perfect creative outlet in the extroverted, extravagant and show-stopping sign. June 26th’s Mars Uranus square will provide the flashpoint for passions, of either variety, to express themselves. Should things get messy, July 2nd’s Venus Uranus square will restore some tact to the atmosphere. But it too can bring critical matters to the surface, especially those concerning close relationships.

Some especially supportive aspects, with a heavy emphasis on water, will surround the Uranus squares. For example, the day when the Mars Uranus square becomes exact, busy Mercury will slip into nurturing Cancer. A few days prior to that, on the 21st, the Sun will have also entered the intuitive realm of the cardinal water sign. On the 28th, under a shamanic Scorpio Moon, the Sun will trine Saturn, on the 29th Mercury will trine Saturn and on the 30th, as oceanic Neptune reverses gear and begins its retrograde, the Sun and Mercury will conjoin. It’s as if the Sun, identity, and Mercury, thinking, will meet to compare notes after each has had an encounter with structuring Saturn in imaginative, holistic Pisces. Pisces is the sign of spirituality and innately understands the true self. The Sun and Mercury may be visiting Saturn for some guidance on greater alignment with the soul and this lifetime’s purpose. Through its subtle diligence, Pisces integrates conflicting factions in service of peace. From this perspective, disturbances from Uranus are a signal that it’s time to make meaningful changes.

Some other helpful configurations taking place around the Uranus squares include the Jupiter Saturn sextile of June 19th, a Gemini-based Mercury sextile to Mars on the 21st, and the full Capricorn Moon of July 3rd. Sometimes admired for his extraordinary intelligence, and sometimes maligned his ill-use of that same cleverness, Mercury is more than capable of playing seemingly contradictory roles. On July 6th and under a Pisces Moon, he too will have a conversation with Uranus via a sextile, and on the 9th, he’ll form a 27 º trine with Neptune in Pisces. On the 10th he’ll move into Leo, as Mars leaves the fire and ferocity for gentle Virgo. From those last Cancer vantage points, Mercury may be working to translate the messages from wild, liberating Uranus into the visionary, unifying language of Neptune.