Uranus will take center stage during a busy week that will see the influential outer planet station and turn retrograde. Since January, the planet of jolts and disruption has been plodding into the second decant of earthy Taurus. From the fixed sign, its presence has been inextricably linked to ongoing tension with Saturn and more recent discord with the planets traveling through Leo. Facing fewer challenges from planets in fixed signs and in review mode, a more subdued version of astrology’s wrecking ball is heading in. Between now and next January, Uranus will revisit all things 14 to ten degrees of Taurus. Issues that were swept under the rug during the past seven months will likely resurface, and more broadly, their meaning can be examined in the context of this seven year transit. An awakener, a forerunner, and an innovator, Uranus imposes change. Trines from Mercury and Mars this week and on September 6th from the Sun will open up conversations with Uranus, in the clear, practical language of Virgo. This week, the Moon has generously agreed to play translator.
An optimistic Sagittarius Moon will run into some pushback from Mercury and Mars on Monday and Neptune on Tuesday. Ultimately though, encouragement will arrive on Tuesday afternoon via a Leo Sun trine. Next, the Moon will get down to business once it enters ambitious Capricorn late Tuesday night. After clearing a small square from Venus in the wee hours of Wednesday, it will find itself in the highly productive company of Mercury and Mars on Wednesday and heavy lifters Uranus and Pluto on Thursday. Mercury and Mars will also meet on Wednesday, fortifying industrious intentions. So in the span of these few days Mercury and Mars will have demonstrated Virgo’s pickiness and its virtue. Translation, if something’s worth fighting for, put in the painstaking work to attain it. Thursday will also see the final significant fixed sign flareup, for a few months anyway, when the Leo Sun opposes Jupiter. Hopefully, this signals the last box to check or task to accomplish before rewards can be bestowed. An hour later, Uranus will unplug and begin its five month long retrograde. Soothing Virgoan vibes will greet Uranus from Mercury on Friday and Mars on Sunday. When the Moon exits austere Capricorn, the constructive torch will be passed on. In turn, the Aquarius Moon will give a nod to Cap when it conjoins Saturn on Friday, and it will receive the boost it sought from Sag early in the week, when it conjoins euphoric Jupiter on Sunday morning. Celebrations culminate a few hours later, when this Jupiter infused Moon reaches full strength at 29 Aqu 37. Finally, the Sun will exit Leo and move into gentle, grounding Virgo. Its month long sojourn will give us all a chance to collect ourselves, and our thoughts, as we prepare for the onset of autumn 2021.