Since late May it’s been one mutable square after the next, and on Saturday, the 22nd of June, the final stage gets underway. Though more subtle than cardinal and fixed squares, mutable squares nonetheless leave their indelible mark. They are here to clear out what we no longer need and to prepare us for our next big steps. Under an emotional Pisces moon, one that will conjoin oceanic Neptune, we are likely to deeply feel and grieve current losses. That Pisces is astrology’s last sign adds to the sense of finality. This last phase of this nearly month-long process ends with a Venus square to Neptune on the 24th, just a few days into the start of summer. So, if things have been falling apart and away for the past three weeks, there is a reason. Trust that your Soul knows your course, and that soon the puzzle pieces that have been so elusive will soon begin falling into place, finally! Best look? Faith, trust in God and inner peace
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