The last time Mars transited Scorpio was from November 19, 2019 to January 3, 2020. At the time, the origins of COVID-19 were known and the virus was known to be spreading. Scorpio is astrology’s best secret keeper. While medical professionals in China, like the late Dr. Li, raised alarm bells, most of the world remained happily oblivious to the deadly threat. By the time Mars exited the fixed water sign, word was getting out. Epochal events are few and far between, and the pandemic is certainly one. While many astrologers correlate the Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 2020 with the pandemic’s onset, the power of Mars in Scorpio can never be underestimated. Looking back, its precursory role was a key component in the mix. How many lives could have been saved if truth tellers had not been silenced? 2021’s visit, from October 30th to December 13th, coincides with the beginning of two other significant Scorpio cycles.
It takes Mars roughly two years to travel through the entire zodiac. With the exception of prolonged stays due to retrogradation, the planet of raw power stays in each sign for a little less than two months. On November 19, 2021, the axis of eclipses will begin shifting from Gemini/Sagittarius to Taurus/Scorpio, a series that will last through October 28, 2023. On October 11, 2023, for the first time since 2021, Mars will re-enter Scorpio. Further, the South Node of the Moon will move into Scorpio in January of 2022 and remain there until July of 2023. Translation: it’s time to get comfortable with Scorpio.
If that suggestion sounds about as appealing as getting a pet snake, then the next two years will support exploration of the aversion. Snakes are a symbol of transformation, and have long been associated with the sign. Mars probes. When visiting its modern home sign, Aries, its motives are direct and usually obvious. When traversing its ancient home sign, Scorpio, its presence is undeniably felt. Scorpio is the domain of deep-seated, core emotions, and Scorpio and Mars are immensely passionate. In the near term, this visit is getting underway while the Sun is in Scorpio, and on the exact day when that Sun has a tough square to Saturn. Is the taskmaster reprising its 2020 role or underscoring Scorpio imperatives to make changes? There will be a new Scorpio Moon on November 4th and Mercury will be in Scorpio from November 5th through 24th. Mars in Scorpio will indicate where we have real skin in the game, and which skins need shedding. Competitiveness, envy and desires for revenge are a few of Scorpio’s unpleasant messengers. Identifying the psychological needs they represent, and finding healthy ways to fulfill those needs, might make the path ahead lighter and less daunting. Additionally, imagining life two years from now, when the healthier replacements are fully installed, is another way to put Scorpio’s dark inspiration to work.