In the larger scheme of things, we on the precipice of two major sign changes, Saturn entering Pisces and Pluto entering Aquarius. Saturn has been in fixed Aquarius since December of infamous 2020 and Pluto in Capricorn since November of equally infamous 2008. Some people may be feeling exhausted from the long transit of the boundary setting planet through an inflexible fixed sign. Others may be filled with a sense of excitement, in anticipation of the coming changes. In the immediate offing, there’s a important new Pisces Moon on the 20th, and Venus and Mercury are also changing signs. Being personal planets, their lenses will color our first exposure to the larger oncoming trends. The new Moon will appear in the wee hours of Monday morning at an extra soft 1° of Pisces, and Mercury will enter the mutable water sign on March 2nd, followed by Saturn on the 7th. On February 15th, Venus conjoined Neptune at 24° Pisces, opening a portal into the sign’s vast realms of imagination and insight. The new Moon, Mercury and Saturn will deepen our experience of the perspective and enlightened quality of the twelfth sign. Interestingly enough however, within an hour of that new Moon Venus will head into provocative Aries.

Like waking from a vivid astral dream revived and eager to start the new day, Venus is on her way from that Neptune conjunction to one with expansive Jupiter at 12° of the cardinal fire sign on March 1st. It’s as if the planets are showing us that it’s one thing to download all of that groovy inspiration and another to act on it. But action is what feisty, intrepid Aries is all about. Venus will travel the invigorating, Mars-ruled sign from February 20th – March 16th, paving the way for the Sun’s entrance on March 20th. Her meeting with lucky Jupiter will bring astrology’s benefics together, under the sign of courage and instigation. This week’s subtle lunar shift from Pisces to Aries on Tuesday night may reveal some of new trails that are waiting to be blazed. Also, its 1° starting point is similar to Aries in that they both indicate new beginnings. This Moon will reach its full stage on March 7th, the day when Saturn will initiate its three year voyage through Pisces. This is another signal that the events and opportunities that are showing up under this Moon are noteworthy. Before the Moon makes it to that 16° Virgo zenith, it will undergo its last opposition, from Leo, to an Aquarius based Saturn. That will take place on March 5th, and end what has been for many a harrowing 28-month cycle. The rigid planet is finally moving on. In adaptable, sensitive Pisces, its rigorous demands for structure and order can be applied to creative endeavors and spiritual practices. As the old taskmaster and teacher shifts, loving Venus will be infusing all with the indomitable effervescence and enthusiasm of Aries, with a boost from Jupiter.