When the Sun enters Capricorn on Saturday, it sets the stage for the next set of eclipses as well as the much anticipated Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020. Capricorn, like its cardinal counterparts, is a sign of beginnings. This week Mars in Scorpio will sextile Saturn on Thursday and powerful Pluto on Sunday, giving us some insight into the upcoming Sun cycle and all of its Capricorn components. The Sun’s journey through Sagittarius closes out the autumn season in the Northern hemisphere, and like all mutable signs, it tells us that we’ve reached a completion point. But before we dive into the instigating energies of the coming cardinal cycle, we need to assess what to release and define what is important enough to bring with us when we move ahead. At the end of 2019, a sense of what needs to be grieved or left behind is likely to be stronger than usual. We are reaching the end of the calendar year, and we are reaching the end of an entire decade. Add provocative Mars in emotionally intense and brutally honest Scorpio to the picture, and we are likely to feel a very palpable sense of the energies in our hearts needing to be cleared.
Thankfully for us, astrology’s best analyst, Virgo, has a prominent place in this week’s sky. The intuitive moon moves into the detailed, mutable sign early Tuesday morning and remains there through Thursday morning. That meticulous Virgo moon will square Mercury and the Sun in Sagittarius and oppose Neptune in Pisces, and later on Thursday Mercury will square Neptune. These mutable tensions will force issues, and more significantly, the feelings attached to them, to the fore, in an effort to flush our hearts and to instill clarity. Supporting our transformation, the week’s two Mars sextiles to planets in sober, pragmatic Capricorn, come from purifying Scorpio. The fixed water sign isn’t afraid to get down to the nitty gritty, and with Mars at the helm, the power to offload and shift will be placed firmly into our hands.

Early Friday morning Venus leaves Capricorn for detached, futuristic Aquarius. From this perspective, not only will we be able to see the possibilities for improvement now at hand, but we will be able to see how they serve our evolution and higher good. When Venus squares Uranus on Sunday morning we will be prompted to bring those big Aquarian visions down to earthy Taurus realms. Mars will sextile Pluto shortly afterwards and the moon will be in Scorpio by then, making one more sweep of our energy fields. In fact it will conjoin Mars Sunday evening. So, taking some time midweek to review the past year or decade, to process our losses and to evaluate our aspirations is indeed time well spent. Winter Solstice is the open door we are now stepping through.
10 Minute Reading$44.40
15 Minute Reading$66.60
30 Minute Reading$111.00
20 Minute Reading$88.80
60 Minute Reading$222.00
30 Minute Sound Bath$88.80
150 Minutes & Multiple Readings$555.00