This week a welcome confluence of flexibility from Virgo and grace from Libra is set to relieve some of the strain from the past few weeks, or months, depending on your outlook. Add a splash of fluidity from Neptune, and this week may feel like one of the smoothest in awhile. It all begins on Monday morning when the Moon moves into the mutable earth sign of Virgo. An opposition to Neptune in Pisces, from Venus in Virgo, is set for early evening. But even this typically tense angle softens when the players are as compatible as these two, and particularly when they’re both in adaptive mutable signs. Logic and inspiration are in play under this one. Encouraging prompt application of any helpful downloads, the Moon will conjoin motivating Mars, also in considerate Virgo, later in the evening. Tuesday may see an unresolved matter from the recent past resurface when a late degree Mercury Jupiter opposition appears. Unlike Monday’s more amicable opposition, this one involves planets in those intransigent fixed signs. This tug of war is bookended by Virgo Moon trines to Uranus early on Tuesday and Pluto on Wednesday. With these three in earth signs, practical, pragmatic and constructive solutions are within reach, if Mercury or Jupiter aren’t overly entrenched in their positions. Ushering in more calm and order, clever Mercury will exit ferocious Leo and enter its second home of Virgo on Wednesday night. This visit will last until August 30th, bolstering abilities to problem solve methodically, patiently and reasonably.
Wednesday is also when the Moon will move into balanced Libra. From the Venus ruled, air sign, this Moon will trine Saturn on Thursday and Jupiter on Friday, as well as receive a boost from the late degree Leo Sun on Friday. The only snag could be a seismic square to Pluto, also on Friday, the 13th. But Aquarian ingenuity from Saturn and Jupiter linked to this affable Moon give progress a fighting chance. Next, the Moon will head into watery Scorpio on Friday night, where it will merge with oceanic Neptune on Sunday morning. This instinct meets intuition combo will offer guidance, malleability and flow, and perhaps an opportunity to relax. Shoring up stores of tact and intelligence, and wrapping up the week, Venus will enter her second home of Libra in the wee hours of Monday morning. Her homecoming will last until September 10th. The first planetary step into Autumn 2021 (except for the Moon’s monthly ventures), is another signal that some of the summer’s harshness is receding. From their domiciles, Mercury and Venus will bring some much needed ease and elegance to the table.