A kind of benevolent chaos will ensue over the next couple of weeks, one as intent on overthrowing the status quo as it is on lifting spirits and creating new opportunities. The Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus will be playing key roles, and, even from orderly Virgo, Mercury and Mars will be getting in on the action. For those who have been waiting to catch a break or who are looking for the right time to make a dramatic move, some promising possibilities are at hand. It all gets underway on August 9th when retrograding Venus will square game-changing Uranus and Mercury will trine fortunate Jupiter. During the past few years, when the squares to disruptive Uranus were coming from austere Saturn in fixed Aquarius, the notion that Uranus squares were nothing to look forward to may have taken hold. Times have changed. Nowadays lucky Jupiter is riding shotgun as Uranus continues its tour of Venus-ruled Taurus. Speaking of Jupiter, Mercury’s trine to it can bring clarity and practicality to the “big ideas” dropped by the planet of abundance. Another major difference in the feel of these Uranus squares is that the emphasis has shifted from detached, scientific Aquarius to cheerful, enthusiastic Leo. In fact, the celebratory Leo Sun will be the next body to square innovative Uranus, on August 15th.

Venus is the planet of pleasure, and despite her retrograde status, she enjoys a stay in luxury-loving Leo. She is also the planet of relationships. In this capacity, her presence portends helpful introductions, both on the 9th when she squares Uranus and on the 13th when she conjoins the Sun. Being the hostess extraordinaire that she is, she will next sweeten the atmosphere surrounding the new Moon of the 16th via a conjunction. That lunar soirée will feature more exciting, ice-breaking squares from Jupiter and Uranus. In fact, its 23 º Leo 17′ point will be tightly squared to Uranus. The message to break the mold is certainly written all over this one. Basking in the new Moon’s halo, Uranus will next combine forces with instigative Mars via an agreeable trine. Most often, the Mars Uranus combo is a cause for concern. The heat of Mars with the rebelliousness of Uranus can rapidly get out of hand. But this earthy collaboration looks productive. The clear-minded nature of Virgo, where Mars is, excels in crafting ways of turning electrifying epiphanies into daily practices. Mars formed a tine to Jupiter on August’s full Moon. Its next trine may further endeavors conceived then. More time to deepen those thoughts and devise reliable plans comes when the Moon transits Virgo from late on the 16th to the 19th. From there, the Moon will make easygoing connections to Mercury and Mars, adding more devotion and invigoration to the aspirations born of 2023’s Leo solar cycle.