For those old enough to remember those phone company recordings about the number you were trying to reach no longer being in service, this week’s aspects could be as familiar as they are annoying. For those young enough to be blissfully oblivious, welcome to the way back machine. From Mars and Mercury being in direct conflict with the Pisces Moon on Monday through a series of incoming quincunxes, the week will be short on agreement and long on inconvenience. Our job will be to determine when to persist and when to postpone. For tasks on the must-do list, strategy is highly recommended. It all begins with impatient Mars transiting patient Virgo, a conundrum in its own right, being opposed by an unfocused Pisces Moon midday on Monday. This will present a classic case of needing to take five unanticipated steps to accomplish one simple task. It will probably also dash hopes of getting the week off to a super productive start. Level-headed Mercury, at home in Virgo, is better suited to navigate the twilight zones of the Pisces Moon Monday night, under their opposition. But, once the Moon links up with Neptune overnight, rationality will get lost in the fog. Midday on Tuesday the Moon will move into assertive Aries. While the Mars ruled sign is generally applauded for its audacity, the Mercury Neptune opposition scheduled for Tuesday evening could easily find insensitive Aries all puffed up, and woefully off-course. Next, on Wednesday, that Aries independence will be at odds with Libra cooperation via a Moon Venus opposition. On Thursday, “Me first” attitudes will be further checked via a late degree Moon Pluto square. Translation, play nicely with others, or else. Those who take the amicable road will be rewarded when the Aries Moon finally forms a friendly sextile with benevolent Jupiter. More conciliatory tones will be struck when Mercury trines Pluto, also on Thursday. Meanwhile, the march of the quincunxes will have set in.
At 150 degrees apart, planets in this configuration are not in the same element, nor do they share modality. So comprehension can disappear completely or prove highly elusive. For example, the cardinal fire of Aries will put the Moon out of sync with the mutable earth of Mars in Virgo on Wednesday and Mercury on Thursday. In turn on Friday, that mutable earth will be incompatible with the fixed air of Aquarius under the Mercury Jupiter quincunx. On Saturday the cardinal air of Libra and the fixed earth of Taurus will find Venus and Uranus in the perplexing angle. Though, as the ruler of Taurus, Venus is better positioned to make some headway in this meeting. The quincunx exacerbates stylistic differences, but those don’t have to lead to major altercations. If waiting for more favorable conditions is possible, this is probably a good week to leave that little black book in the drawer, atop the yellow pages, and take the phone off the hook.