Planetary pressure for needed change will mount throughout the week, but Sunday’s new Leo Moon portends resolution and renewed vitality, on a galactic level. It all begins under the tension of a fixed-sign Sun Saturn opposition, followed by a waning Taurus Moon square to Jupiter early on Monday. The Moon’s extended stay in Cancer, from Wednesday through early Saturday morning, will offer some time for retreat and reflection. But dwelling in Cancer’s emotional shell or playing the victim will no longer work. A new Moon will dawn on Sunday, at 16 Leo 14, reigniting a sense of self-worth and encouraging self-agency. Additionally, leading up that new Moon, a slew of squares from game-changing Uranus are intent on forcing us to face facts and start afresh. In case there’s any confusion as to what specifically needs to go, Tuesday’s Mercury Uranus square is bound to make more than a few things perfectly clear. If hearts, egos and authorities insist on tenaciously clinging to falsehoods, powerhouse Uranus will square the Leo Sun (will, ego, autocrats) on Friday, laying bear what is corrupt and beyond repair. Finally, Uranus will make one final sweep when it squares the dark Leo Moon early Sunday morning. Intuitive and introspective, this dark Leo Moon will support instinctive understanding of the revelations that the Awakener is crystalizing.

Speaking of crystals, most natural diamonds were formed three billion years ago, when enormous pressure from Earth’s gravity combined with extreme heat to transform carbon that was deeply embedded in the Earth’s crust. Others were formed 35 million years ago when an asteroid struck what is now Russia. In the wake of COVID’s original strike, 2021 has indeed continued making irrevocable changes across the globe. Saturn’s transit of fixed Aquarius is only approaching the midway point of its nearly three year journey, and the transit that Uranus’s began in 2018 in fixed Taurus will take seven years to complete. Directly opposed by Saturn and squared by Uranus, Leo natives are indeed enduring a lion’s share of challenges. Fellow fixed signed travelers have fared similarly. But the time for crying over spilled milk is over. Sunday’s new Moon coincides with the 8.8 Lion’s Gate Portal, an annual alignment that links the Leo Sun and Moon and Earth to Sirius. This is our celestial reminder that lionhearted Leo is the conqueror and the entertainer, and like the diamond forged under tremendous pressure, can shine brilliantly. Making sure that we get the memo to recall our radiance, Mercury will conjoin the Moon on Sunday night. In the wee hours of Monday morning, that Moon will face opposition from Jupiter, as will Mercury next Tuesday, before heading home into Virgo on the 11th. The heat isn’t letting up anytime soon. But what can change this week, is perspective.