The action-packed first week of 2019 is getting the year off to a lively and ambitious start. To set the stage, on New Year’s Eve Mars came home to initiating Aries. At the moment, the cosmic wildcard and powerhouse Uranus also finds itself in the cardinal fire sign. On January 4th Mercury joins the Sun, Moon, Saturn, Pluto and the South Node in sober, responsible Capricorn. On the 5th, we experience the year’s first eclipse, on the 6th Uranus goes direct and on the 7th Venus joins Jupiter in effervescent Sagittarius, after a prolonged stay in emotionally intense Scorpio. And they say God had a busy first week.

Mars and Uranus will be enlivening our spirits and stoking those irrepressible, instigating Aries fires for the first six weeks of 2019. From fellow fire sign Sagittarius, Venus and Jupiter will be encouraging and expanding those flames until early February. But it’s the group in serious Capricorn that we need to pay particular attention to. Not only will we be under their influence for this weekend’s new moon and eclipse, but also for the entire duration of 2019 and for the better part of 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2, 2019.
Capricorn gives us structure. In the human body, it rules the skeleton, bones and teeth, in the home it is our parents, and in the cosmos it is represented by ringed Saturn. While affirmation spouting, positive thinking New Agers tend to reject notions of limitations and of being realistic, we would be wise to recognize Capricorn’s considerable presence and its unfolding influence. Capricorn is the sign of achievements and earned rewards. So the endeavors we undertake now will be well-served by honesty, austerity and dedication. The planets in fire signs are lending us their excitement and enthusiasm, and the Capricorn contingent are showing us the real work ahead. Our task is to appreciate and synthesize these somewhat contradictory forces as we forge our way into 2019.
On Wednesday, January 2nd, at 1:00 P.M. PST I’ll be joining Kristina Walsh on her radio show Surfing The Psychic Waves on InFlowRadiio. We’ll be delving deeper into the astrology of 2019. You can listen live or via the archive.