For an audio report on this cycle, please listen to an interview on “Kristy’s Connection To The Soul“.
Some of 2014’s biggest fireworks are officially underway, But as we enter the heart of the Grand Cardinal Cross, the Cosmos is also serving up some of the year’s most stable and abiding energy. Counteracting the chaos of the Cross are celestial reserves of peace, resolve and security, and sensuous, resourceful Taurus has arrived to guide us to them. The Sun enters the fixed earth sign of Taurus at 9:56 P.M. MST on April 19th under a Cardinal Capricorn moon. On the 20th expansive Jupiter squares erratic Uranus and opposes powerful Pluto. On the 21st the fifth of seven seismic Pluto Uranus square occurs. On the 22nd contentious Mars squares Jupiter and on the 23rd it opposes Uranus and squares Pluto. Are you already feeling the friction? By the weekend of the 26th the moon moves into instigating Aries to set off a few more days of Cardinal clashes, as it prepares for a solar eclipse on the 29th. How these energies will play out personally and globally is unique to each set of circumstances. For some it will be the time when long-standing grievances escalate into all out war. For others, aspects like Uranus in spontaneous Aries will bring unexpected news and one-of-a-kind opportunities. For most, it is a significant step forward. Paradoxically, applying these initiating forces requires a look back.
Many of the planetary players activated during the Cross began stirring things up back in late December of 2013. Four months into the new year, we’re being reminded to revisit the resolutions and intentions we set for 2014 and beyond. Now we can make necessary revisions to them and further them along. If this sounds like the language of those pesky Mercury retrogrades, it is. But the winged one isn’t the culprit here. The planets in review mode during the cycle ahead are heavenly heavyweights Mars, Saturn and Pluto, and they are some of astrology’s strongest and shadowiest figures. The collective resonance of this group will help, or force, us to slow down, something the Bull of Taurus appreciates. So on one hand we have the provocative Cross prodding us into action, and on the other, the malefics and Pluto imposing measure. Then again, as I cautioned back in December, this 7-month retrogradation period is one of 2014’s hallmarks.

The key to navigating these sometimes conflicting currents of action and reservation lies in the water signs, and in Pisces in particular. From the sign of intuition and integration, Neptune, Chiron and Venus (until May 2nd when it enters Aries) will inform us. The call of our inner voice will be present and unmistakable throughout the Taurus cycle. The Pisces trio will make harmonious connections with Saturn and Jupiter, also in water signs, giving gut feelings added gusto. In general the planets in water signs will form supportive aspects with those in earth signs. For example, Neptune and Chiron will sextile the Sun, Moon and Mercury while while they journey through rooted Taurus, and Jupiter in Cancer will sextile the new moon of the 29th, Mercury on the 30th and the Sun on May 6th. Further, the planets in earth signs, Pluto, the Sun, Moon and Mercury (until May 7th) will bring their practicality and determination to the table. Some keep dates for these earth sign meet ups include the 25th when Mercury and the Sun are conjunct, the 29th when Mercury trines Pluto under the new Taurus moon, and May 3rd when the Sun trines Pluto. These are 5-star grounding meditation days and occasions when holding on to what we truly value is important.
But standing our ground won’t be easy in the days ahead. In addition to the ground-breaking impulses coming from the Cardinal Cross, some fixed sign tensions are also on the horizon. Like their name implies, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius hold the energies of their respective elements of earth, fire, water and air. Restrictive, retrograde Saturn in Scorpio will oppose Mercury, the new Moon and the Sun in Taurus. And the lunar transits through Aquarius and Leo will form squares to Taurus and Scorpio. These fixed sign frictions can complement the Cardinal Cross drive to get issues out in the open and to handle them in new, healthy ways. The insightful and grounding alignments of the planets in water and earth signs will play a huge role in determining how well we manage the provocative energies we are set to walk through. Astrology’s Bull, strong and centered, now stands in our midst. He teaches us to slow down and to move through the world firmly, with placidity and peace.