Mercury Retrograde In Pisces
Entered Rx zone Feb 19th at 16 Pis 06
Rx begins Mar 5th at 29 Pis 39
Stations and goes direct Mar 28th
Leaves Rx zone Apr 16th
The 2-month-long Mercury stay in the mutable water sign of Pisces is unusual. Typically the speedy planet spends two to three weeks in each sign. So when the Messenger of the Gods settles in for such an extended period, astrologers notice. Part of what is causing the long visit is Mercury’s first retrograde of 2019. Mercury will be retrograde from March 5th through 28th.
During a Mercury retrograde we are cautioned to expect delays, travel disruptions and technical malfunctions. Another popular rule of thumb is to look for the prefix “re” (reconsider, revisit, revise, review, rethink, etc.) and apply it to the circumstances that materialize during a retrograde. And while backing up one’s computer is advisable, at anytime, the Neptunian aspects surrounding this retrograde suggest that in order to find its true meaning, we need to look beneath the stereotypical surface.
Pisces ruling planet Neptune is halfway through it 15-year-transit of the sign. When the Sun entered Pisces on February 18th, Mercury and Neptune were aligned at 15 degrees. At the end of this retrograde, Mercury and Neptune will meet again at 16 degrees. So Mercury will be experiencing the world through Neptune. The planet of artists and musicians, addicts and alcoholics, and monks and mystics, Neptune can be very hard to pin down. Partly, this is because its long transits work like water slowly eroding rocks. On a daily basis, it’s hard to appreciate the magnitude of its influence. Yet in the end, its transformative power becomes undeniable. Neptune’s association with water, in fact oceans, also makes its meaning hard to grasp. One only needs to wade out into the ocean several feet or yards before the ability to keep one’s feet on the floor and one’s head above water disappears. We recognize that things are much deeper than we are accustomed to perceiving and navigating them. And so it is with Neptune. It asks us to step back, to reflect and meditate, and to consider the big picture.

As we move through our daily activities, we may feel guided to reevaluate their relevance to our longterm goals and sense of purpose. We may also be drawn to the incredible pool of Neptunian creativity formed by these planets. We may find ourselves seeking refuge from the busyness of life to find quiet and time for contemplation. Or we may simply enjoy dwelling in the dreamlike state of mind this time brings. In mid April, we will emerge from the shadow period of this retrograde. Like those rocks, we may find our lives subtly and unmistakably changed. Because Neptune is also strongly associated with illusions and deception, my advice is to sit back and watch the show. Consider the possibilities that present themselves, but set aside big decisions until all of this has passed. The shadow of this retrograde fell under the second of three Supermoons, and the third Supermoon will happen during it. This retrograde is also coinciding with fellow outer planet Uranus moving into Taurus, on March 6th, for its seven-year-stay. Uranus is the wild card planet of astrology, and Taurus is the fixed earth sign. It may take several weeks for the planet of chaos to settle down and settle in. So if there’s one “re” that is agreeable to a Pisces and apt for this retrograde, perhaps try relax.
Neptune In Pisces
Feb 3, 2012 – Mar 30, 2025
Oct 22, 2025 – Jan 26, 2026
150 Minutes & Multiple Readings$555.00
60 Minute Reading$222.00
30 Minute Reading$111.00
20 Minute Reading$88.80
15 Minute Reading$66.60
10 Minute Reading$44.40