On February 10th Mercury entered Neptune’s home, Pisces. As if to tune our psyches into the significance of this transit, this week the Extreme trans-Neptunian object Iwamoto’s Comet will pass between Earth and Mars. With its 1371 year obit, the comet has not visited Earth since 648 AD and will not be back until 3390. Known as the fast, fleet-footed Messenger of the Gods, Mercury is the speediest planet in astrology. If one of its infamous retrogrades is not involved, it typically only stays in a sign for two to three weeks. But on Sunday Mercury slipped into Pisces for an extended two-month stay, one that includes its next retrograde (March 5th-28th). The Sun is poised to visit Pisces from February 18th through March 20th. And at 15 degrees of Pisces, slow moving Neptune is now midway through its transit (2011-2026). Add the visible presence of a Neptunian body to this cosmic soup, and we have a cycle when Neptune is bound to leave its indelible stamp on this Mercury transit of Pisces. But Pisces being Pisces and Neptune being Neptune, we are unlikely to fathom much until at least April 17th when Mercury heads into Aries.

Image from Spaceweather.com
Michal Jager
Pisces is mutable water and astrology’s twelfth sign. Mutable signs complete their respective seasons, and Pisces placement at end of the wheel underscores themes of integration, transformation and completion. In their productive roles, Neptune and Pisces are artistic, holistic and spiritual. Illusions, addictions and fantasies are also associated with both. Neptune is named for the Greek God of the ocean and Pisces is the final water sign. Now that Mercury is in the mix, emotions will color our thinking and feelings rather than logic are likely to function as our navigational devices. With such an unusually long stay in Pisces, and its next retrograde, Mercury’s February 10th through April 17th visit is likely to be a time of meaningful change. After all, this is also when Uranus settles into Taurus for the long haul. But it may be much later in the year before we fully perceive the import of this transit. For now, with Neptune steering the ship, absolute certainty and precise planning are unlikely. Yet clarity is possible.
Oceanic Neptune connects us with intrinsic truths and its power can relax the logical mind (Mercury), allowing us to open up into something much bigger, perhaps the mind of God. Studying metaphysics, meditating, keeping a dream journal or taking up a spiritual practice, such as saying prayers, are favored for the next two months. Forgiving, processing grief and unresolved grievances. accepting loss and giving an audience to painful, old feelings and memories are all also supported by the incoming tides. Pisces aims to wash us clean of the emotional baggage we’ve carried and are needing to release, making us ready for Aries and the next turn of the wheel. Moving through the coming weeks contemplatively and honestly will avail us to the healing, wisdom and peace now reaching our psychic shores.
Mercury Pisces Stay & Rx
Entered Pis Feb 10th
Enters Rx zone Feb 19th 16 Pis 06
Rx 29 Pis 39 Mar 5th
Direct Mar 28th
Leaves zone Apr 16th
Leaves Pis Apr 17th
150 Minutes & Multiple Readings$555.00
60 Minute Reading$222.00
30 Minute Reading$111.00
20 Minute Reading$88.80
15 Minute Reading$66.60
10 Minute Reading$44.40