That old saying about coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb might be altered to “going out like a dolphin” this week. It begins with a ferocious fixed sign t-square and ends with a rejuvenating water trine. Leading the way, Monday’s Leo Moon will be superimposed onto the year’s second, and most intense, Saturn Uranus square. The strenuous aspects created by this Mars-infused t-square will impact fixed sign folks the most. But there will be plenty of frustration to go around. Saturn is the planet of rules, authority and limitations, Uranus is the cosmic rule breaker and proud Leo is accustomed to running the show. What could possibly go wrong? In determining when to buck convention and when to conform to it, Leo’s role will be pivotal. Do we go with regal majesty and magnanimity or the petty tyrant’s drama and bossiness? Choosing carefully from the week’s outset may make all of the difference. As disruptive Uranus threatens to overthrow Saturnian order, accessing Leo’s warmth, creativity and playfulness will benefit the entire kingdom. For example, delivering that catchall punchline, “Mercury is retrograde” with good-natured theatrics and leonine flare might just provide enough comic relief get bellies laughing.
The Moon’s move into reasonable Virgo on Tuesday night would ordinarily signal an easing of tensions. But due to the presence of five other planets and the lunar nodes in fellow mutable signs, even mild-mannered Virgo is in for a rough go of it. The midweek challenges include oppositions from Jupiter and Neptune and squares from the late degree Gemini Sun and Mercury. Whether from fixed or mutable signs, in one way or another, the planets are forcing key decisions to the fore. Just in time for critical decision-making, on Friday morning the Moon will move into judicious, diplomatic and wildly indecisive Libra. Though getting trapped in the sign’s endless weighing of those infamous scales is a strong possibility, trines from the Sun, Mercury and Saturn, in sharp-minded air signs, will offer some constructive clarity.
Real relief will arrive on Sunday, when the Moon will slip into Scorpio, Jupiter will relax into retrograde gear, in the very early degrees of gentle Pisces, and the Sun will leave the buzzing of talkative and techy Gemini for soothing Cancer. This is the celestial step into a cool, refreshing oasis that we’ve been thirsting for all week long. And just around the corner, Venus is waiting to trine Neptune next Monday, followed by Mercury stationing direct on Tuesday. Translation, the end of this Mercury retrograde is in sight. Sometimes, similar to making holiday plans, just knowing that a break in the action is on the way is its own elixir. Before we get there, we’ll have to power through the oncoming turbulence. Binge-watching “healing with dolphins” and “ultimate spa vacation” videos isn’t a bad place to start. In fact, it may prove downright therapeutic.