A Leo Moon fires up the week on Monday with conjunctions to Venus and Mars, who themselves link up on Tuesday. For sunny, determined Leo, these get-togethers bolster confidence and resolve. Of course, this position also places the Moon, Venus and Mars opposite Saturn and square to Uranus. That said, Mars and Venus moved through the crunch points of those challenges during the past two weeks. So lions are likely feeling much more playful than ferocious, as long as no one pulls any tails. Monday sets the stage for more conviviality when an early Cancer degree Mercury trines altruistic Jupiter in Pisces. Their amiable meeting is a preview of Thursday’s dreamy Sun trine to Neptune. Because Neptune is one of the slowest moving planets, we’ll be under the rejuvenating influence of this pairing all week long. After the turbulence of the past month, this dive into a psychedelic ocean will feel like welcome libation. Alluring and intoxicating and especially when combined, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces can also prove wildly unrealistic. A sympathetic Moon in practical Virgo, from Tuesday through early Thursday, should steer us clear of any rocks. The week’s other source of bemusement comes courtesy of its multiple quincunxes.
Often confusing, sometimes confounding but rarely consternating, the quincunx produces astrology’s odd couples. A series of them will start on Monday, with Leo Moon quincunxes to Neptune and Pluto. Venus will echo the Moon’s moves, when it forms the same awkward angles to Neptune on Friday and Pluto on Sunday, and Mars and Neptune will follow suit on Sunday. Also on Sunday, Mercury and Saturn will find themselves in this befuddling aspect. Untangling them, an insightful, astute Scorpio Moon will favor Mercury and rebuff Saturn. Even so, in the wake of Saturday’s Sun Pluto opposition, the time may not yet be quite right for making the next bold move. After all, murky Neptune is deeply involved in many of the week’s happenings. On the other hand, a window of inspiration is certainly opening, beginning with the Mercury Jupiter trine on Monday. Next, Mercury’s trine to Neptune will be exact on July 24th. Add the trailing effect of Neptune’s aforementioned slow movement, and the next few weeks will be ripe with opportunities to delve into art, healing and spirituality. On July 28th Jupiter will step back into electric Aquarius, and on the 29th it will oppose Mars. At an incendiary 29 degrees, this face-off is likely to revive the tumult and turmoil of late. Between now and then, spending a couple of weeks leagues beneath the surface, or at least setting aside some playtime, is an appealing and possibly productive alternative. Pisces explores creativity through introspection and Leo through extroversion. Together, via the unfolding plethora of Pisces Leo quincunxes, they’re delivering the toy box that we’ve all been dying to get our paws on.