This is the week that astrologers have been vigorously discussing for well over a year. On Friday a lunar eclipse in Cancer takes place, and on Sunday Saturn conjoins Pluto. Add Uranus going direct under Friday’s full moon to this major cosmic mix, and the assertions that this is an impactful week are right on target. The Saturn Pluto conjunction happens only once every 34 years, so is viewed as a trend setting alignment. Both planets, along with the South Node, Sun, Mercury and Jupiter, are in industrious Capricorn, the sign of institutions, governments and big business. Any systemic reforms being undertaken at this time will shape the coming decades. Another noteworthy aspect about the eclipse and conjunction is their proximity of degree, 20-23. The full moon will be at 20 Cancer 00, exactly opposite the Capricorn Sun, and Mercury will also be at 20 degrees of Capricorn on the day of the eclipse. Two days later, when Saturn and Pluto meet, they will be at 22 Capricorn 47, the Sun will be at 21 Cap 56 and Mercury will then be at 23 Cap 14.

The natal Sun of the USA is at 13 degrees of Cancer, its natal Saturn is at 14 degrees of Libra and its natal Pluto is at 27 degrees of Capricorn. Because so much of the present planetary action is taking place in the signs of Capricorn and Cancer, many astrologers have accurately predicted that this week will have important implications for America. With the House having voted for impeachment before adjourning for the holidays in December, the week of January 6th has already taken its place in the nation’s history because it is when the Senate will return to work and presumably take up the matter. Saturn deals with law enforcement, structure and the rule of law and Pluto crime, the underworld and corruption. The two powerhouse planets closely traveled retrograde for nearly six months last year, and the Capricorn/Cancer eclipse series has been underway for well over a year. So much of the stage has been set. Now the dramatic revelations begin. To be clear, the degrees in the US chart of the Sun, Saturn and Pluto are not on course for direct impact under these alignments, so the more outlandish and catastrophic predictions being made are probably overblown. That having been said, the angles created by the current planetary placements in relation to the natal planets of the USA are astrology’s contentious squares and oppositions, and global, wildcard Uranus stationing direct on the eclipse is another variable that must be considered. What has the planet of chaos and disruption discovered while it’s been retrograde since last August? Will the topic of child sex trafficking networks (Cancer moon) and their connections to officials and prominent public figures (Capricorn Sun, Mercury, South Node, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto), the headline topic on August 11th when Uranus went retrograde and Jeffrey Epstein died (August 10th), reemerge now? Will other shadowy activity (Pluto), such as drug cartels, rouge government agents and black book banking, be exposed? The only astrological certainty we have is that Uranus brings shocks and the unexpected. Now that the planets are in position for significant disclosures, plot twists and consequences, the week of January 6, 2020 is poised to live up to its hype.
For a look at how these aspects pertain to your life, see what’s between 20-23 degrees in your natal chart and compare how the planets in those degrees are situated to the current planetary placements. Capricorn, where this extraordinary number of planets are gathered, is the capable, ambitious earth sign of accomplishment and earned recognition and rewards. These planets are benefiting from the presence of generous Jupiter’s year-long-visit and a favorable angle to game-changing Uranus in productive Taurus. If you’d like a personal reading, email me to make an appointment at elizabeth at elizabethsoracle dot com
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