Talkative Mercury enters the tactile and tangible realms of earthy Taurus this week, turning conversations to money, material assets and physical well-being. The planet of communication in fact gets the week started on Monday by leaving impulsive Aries and moving into grounding Taurus. On Tuesday there’s a struggle with Saturn. But a conjunction with game-changing Uranus on Thursday is set to break up any gridlock and to reveal alternative pathways. As astrology’s fixed earth sign, Taurus values what it can see, smell, taste and touch. Like no other sign, it brings us right down to earth and into our bodies, and Mercury will transit it until May 11th.
Mercury rules Gemini and Venus rules Taurus. So when Venus is in Gemini and Mercury is in Taurus, we have what astrologers term mutual reception. Under these placements, the planets understand and support one another. On Sunday Venus, in Gemini, forms a tough square to Neptune in Pisces. Pisces is of course where Mercury spent an unusually lengthy two months in February and March as COVID-19 began to spread worldwide. Water droplets, hospitals and infiltration all fall under the auspices of Pisces. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, so Neptune’s influence in this tough aspect will be magnified. Another revelation about the pandemic is likely to splash across the headlines (Gemini) on Sunday. But, in mutual reception, Mercury and Venus will be working to a similar purpose. And while each may possess a distinct piece, they are working to solve the same puzzle. By Monday, May 4th, Mercury and the Sun will meet in productive Taurus. While I typically forecast through Sundays, I want to point out this Sun Mercury conjunction scheduled for the first Monday of May. It signals a sizable effort to get people back to work safely. Economic stability is after all a top priority for security-minded Taurus. Starting this week, nimble, quick-thinking Mercury will be offering bright, innovative ideas on how to do so, from robust, determined Taurus.
For an overview of the astrology of spring 2020, check out this edition of “Surfing The Psychic Waves”.
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