Lunar Eclipse? Check
Super moon? Check
Final eclipse of a series? Check
Blood moon? Check
Visible in the Americas and Europe? Check
Wolf Moon? Check
You may already be feeling the energies of this one, or you may be witnessing its considerable influence on people close to you. While technically this is strictly a battle between the Leo full moon and the Aquarius Sun, the other fixed signs of Taurus and Scorpio are likely to also find themselves in the fray. This Super moon marks the culmination of an eclipse series that began on February 10, 2017 and included the total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, known as the Great American eclipse. People born under the opposite signs of Leo and Aquarius have borne the brunt of its force for the past two years, and their fellow fixed signs, Taurus and Scorpio, have been challenged by the 90 degree squares these eclipses have formed to them. A las, the Grand Finale is at hand.

Typically what happens when an eclipse series comes to a sign or creates squares to it, issues needing to be dealt with are unearthed and they come to the fore. Eclipses are said to reveal what has been hidden. This propensity to drudge things up and force them to a head is compounded when we’re dealing with fixed signs. Like their name implies, signs of this modality are known for their steadfastness, staying power, and determination. Their centeredness and reliability make them our rocks. However, the shadow side for people with these otherwise laudable traits is their refusal to change. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence that a path is no longer viable, fixed signs are the most likely to get and remain stuck. Change we must. It is natural for growth and essential for our spiritual evolution. But knowing that may not make things any easier. So, if this series has put its cosmic pressure on you or a loved one, there are ways to work with the celestial flow.
Examine the usefulness of your resistance, and be prepared to release that which is not serving you. If needed, seek support as you make adjustments. Try new things, be they activities, routines (especially those) or thoughts. Venturing into unfamiliar territory may be daunting, but there is Leo medicine in this final eclipse. Leo is creative, courageous and playful. Exuding warmth and enthusiasm, it rules the heart and spine and is ruled by the inextinguishable Sun. The effects of eclipses are said to take up to six months after the event to work their way fully into our lives. On the journey, we may both mourn what has been lost or what simply didn’t work out as hoped for, and experience rejuvenation as a new direction emerges. This time, no matter which of the twelve signs we call home, the key to our success is our ability to summon the bravery and nobility of the Lion’s heart.
The eclipse will take place on January 20-21st and will be visible in the Americas and Europe. In the United States, the moon will be full at 9:15 PM PST on the 20th. Witnessing a lunar eclipse, the ones that you don’t need special eye wear for, is mesmerizing and otherworldly. If you live someplace where the skies will be clear, I highly recommend bundling up and heading outdoors. This is a moment that you will remember.
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