The week’s “big” news is Jupiter’s ingress into Pisces on Thursday. Leading up to the kingly planet’s arrival, several planets, like a group of faithful courtiers, will gather harmoniously for a royal welcome. Highlights include a new Moon in Taurus, supported by a Mars Uranus sextile, a Mercury Saturn trine and a Sun Neptune sextile. Each year’s new Taurus Moon offers an opportunity to affirm abundance.
Forecast May 3-9, 2021: Some Breathing Room
If the four-planet pileup in languid Taurus has left you feeling a little stuck, take heart. This week Mercury and Venus are on the move. But not so fast. Before leaving Taurus, both will have to settle some business with Jupiter.
Forecast Apr 26-May 2, 2021: To Hades And Back
All three of astrology’s outer planets will be activated this week, indicating that an extraordinarily eventful week is at hand. Pluto’s fingerprints will be all over the week, starting with an unpleasant square from the waxing Libra Moon on Monday, and ending with a Moon Pluto conjunction and a constructive conversation with Mercury on Sunday. Themes of destruction and resurrection are shared by Pluto and the sign modern astrologers assign to its rulership, Scorpio. On Monday night…
Forecast Apr 19-25, 2021: Spring Cleaning Or Clock Cleaning
This week personal planets the Sun, Mercury and Mars will move from extroverted yang to introspective yin signs. Their shifts will usher in a detectable change that will be felt through the first week of May. The Sun and Mercury will leave the ferocity of Aries and enter Taurus on Monday, and Mars will abandon the stimulation of Gemini and head into Cancer on Friday. Taurus is astrology’s fixed earth sign, and as such is revered for its endurance, tranquility and ability to bestow a sense of stability. However, with rebellious Uranus well into the sign’s second decant, 2021’s Taurus Sun cycle may be a little short on the Bull’s renowned placidity.
Sun Into Taurus 2014: On Solid Ground
For an audio report on this cycle, please listen to an interview on “Kristy’s Connection To The Soul“. Some of 2014’s biggest fireworks are officially underway, But as we enter the heart of the Grand Cardinal Cross, the Cosmos is also serving up some of the year’s most stable and abiding energy. Counteracting the chaos […]