The next two weeks have no shortage of significant astrological events. Those include a solar eclipse, Jupiter’s re-entrance into Pisces, and the start of a Mars retrograde. Also, Mercury will move into Scorpio on October 29th. All of that happens in the buildup to November 8th’s Lunar eclipse. With so much taking place, getting caught up in the unfolding planetary drama would be easy. But what might be more helpful is taking a look at where everything will land. For that, March 15, 2023 is an interesting case.

That’s when Mars will exit the shadow point, of 25° Gemini 37’, of its impending retrograde. Back on September 3rd, Mars entered the retrograde zone at 8° Gemini 08’. The retrograde that begins on October 30th will take the passionate planet all the way back to that 8° point, on January 12, 2023. By March 15th, after six long months of traversing this space, and no doubt kicking ideas around, Mars will finally break new ground. On that same day, the Sun and Neptune will conjoin at 25° Pisces 7’.

Since 2012, the Sun has conjoined Neptune each year, as the two have sailed the spiritual waters of Pisces. Pisces is the mutable water sign that paradoxically dissolves and integrates. The home of artists, poets, mystics and musicians, its evocative power is hard to describe and universally recognizable. Its essence is in the appreciation of a centuries-old piece of art and the gushing well of emotion summoned by a song. 2023’s Sun Neptune meetup is noteworthy for a few reasons. Relative to the current forecast, Jupiter will end up close to the same degree, 28° Pisces 48’, when it completes its present retrograde on November 23rd. From October 27th, when it re-enters the holistic sign, until December 20th, when it exits, there’s an opportunity to reflect, with the depth and compassion that only Pisces can inform. Further, by mid-March Saturn will have entered Pisces. Though barely unpacking its Aquarius bags at that point, Saturn is in for an unusually long stay. The stern, stoic planet will remain there until February of 2026. Pisces infiltrates. Under its influence, it is said that rigid Saturn becomes less disciplined and more devotional. By March, Jupiter, with its inexhaustible stores of enthusiasm, will be lighting up irrepressible Aries skies again. Between it and Mars, motivation and momentum will abound. But while the planet of faith is in Pisces, a little more time for contemplation is available. Jupiter will not revisit these meditative waters until December 2033. Accessing the wisdom, insights and inspiration of the twelfth sign can bring calm, as the storms born of the eclipses pass, perspective and glimpses into the years ahead.