This week will see Mercury delve into watery Pisces while the Sun and Venus venture into trailblazing Aries. Monday morning’s upbeat sextile between the budding Aries Moon and optimistic Jupiter sets the tone for a week brimming with productivity and encouragement. Aries is all about bold exploration, and Monday’s Moon will give us a sample of the incoming transits. However, Mercury’s descent into reflective, relaxed Pisces, on the 15th, will subdue some of the ferocity, at least until April 3rd when the Messenger also enters the cardinal fire sign. While the dreamy realms of Pisces aren’t the ideal space for quick, clever Mercury, they may just anchor Aries impulses long enough for us to devise sensible and sustainable goals. On that front, the Moon’s visit to Taurus, from Tuesday morning through early Thursday evening, will steep us in the fixed earth sign’s renowned reliability. In the sign of finance and the material world, the numbers must add up and the books will have to be balanced. Squares to this Taurus Moon from Saturn and Jupiter will come around to suss out any fuzzy math. That said, this brief transit will see the Moon make an extraordinary number of favorable connections, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus and powerhouse planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Underscoring that point about keeping it real, Capricorn-entrenched Pluto will sextile the late Pisces Sun on Tuesday and luxury-loving Venus on Thursday. After rolling up our sleeves and earnestly working on big picture plans, a shift from work to play arrives early Thursday night when the Moon moves into social Gemini. This sets the stage for the Sun’s entrance into Aries on Saturday.
Energetic Mars is the ruler of effervescent Aries. Now in yang-oriented Gemini, the passionate planet is poised to bolster the fires that the Aries Sun, Venus and later Mercury will ignite. Long before making direct contact with them, on April 6th, 13th and 17th, Mars will conjoin the Gemini Moon midday on Friday and trine Saturn on Sunday. Whilest a meeting of malefics Mars and Saturn is generally interpreted with caution, if not outright foreboding, in this case the two are communicating in air signs Gemini and Aquarius and the trine is one of astrology’s most agreeable angles. Under the chatty Gemini Moon, the Sun will officially launch Spring 2021 when it steps into audacious Aries. After all of the festivity, the Moon will slip into sensitive and soothing Cancer on Sunday morning. Two hours later, Venus will emerge from the depths of Pisces and join the Sun in Aries. As those two begin livening up the atmosphere, Mercury will sextile unorthodox Uranus on Sunday afternoon. In Pisces, Mercury can get confused, intoxicated or both, and even in grounded Taurus Uranus is inherently unstable. Any serious notions that these two conjure up will benefit from careful consideration before implementation. On the other hand, in daring Aries the Sun and friendly Venus will welcome all of the fun, frivolity and experimentation that Mercury and Uranus can dream up. We made it through the winter. It’s time to celebrate!
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