Beginning on Saturday June 27th, rambunctious Mars will reclaim and dominate his home turf of fiery, feisty Aries. Once there, the combustable ferocity of the red planet will be interlocked with the raw, direct energy of the cardinal fire sign, for the next six months. Before the fireworks ignite, Mars will transit the potent, late degrees of mellow, meditative Pisces. While he’s doing that, Pisces’ ruler Neptune will slip into its retrograde and Venus will emerge from her retrograde slumber. An abundance of nurturing Cancer energy is also on tap this week. The Sun and Mercury are in the intuitive water sign, and waves from the new Cancer moon and eclipse of June 21st are still reaching shores. On the surface, Venus will animate our material desires and attractions from social Gemini, and Mars, especially when in Aries, will activate our drive to attain them. But, leagues beneath the sea, it’s Neptune’s behind-the-scenes orchestration that’s worthy of consideration.
Neptunian Questions
What am I striving for?
What transformation am I seeking?
What does redemption mean to me?
Where am I experiencing urgency in terms of my life plans and purpose?
How can I bring divine clarity and alignment into my present, daily life?
Starting late Monday, Neptune will enter a five month review period. Its contemplative power asks us to examine, understand and evaluate our motivations and their purpose in our lives. Like all of the outer planets, Neptune is subtle and impersonal. It’s also associated with mysticism, hidden memory and the unconscious. So fully grasping, much less getting a firm grip on its meaning and messages can indeed prove illusive. Furthermore, under the influence of this giant, borderless and effusive planet, we can glean profound guidance just as easily as we can fritter away the next five months daydreaming. So learning how to distill this oceanic force into manageable increments might be a good way to access its tremendous yet impressionistic insight. Prayer, meditation or creative practice may open and sustain channels of Divine communication. Then again, grocery store epiphanies can be equally as valuable and provable when Neptune is evoked. But actively seeking helps. This retrograde lasts until November 28th, and its start coincides with Mercury’s current retrograde in the fellow water sign of Cancer. All of the water signs are intrinsically psychic. Atop the waves, where most of us are comfortable swimming, the logical Messenger may be functioning as a translator, between us and Neptune’s vast, esoteric realms. And perhaps, it’s provocative Mars at peak Pisces, who is prompting us toward deeper exploration.

Venus, the planet of romance and finance, is moving backwards. This aspect is good for reigniting old flames, recovering money and rekindling old friendships. How it will work for you depends on your unique chart and situation. While Venus is retrograde, there’s a 20% discount on 30 minute readings. Just email me (elizabeth at elizabethsoracle dot com) to schedule your private session or use the code VENUS2020 if you’re ready to order.