The Sun is heading into lofty Aquarius on Monday, and on Friday we have a new Aquarius moon. Aquarius is astrology’s outlier. Detached and cerebral, Aquarius sees the shape of things to come. It adores science and technology and has a great capacity for revolutionary thinking. Mental Mercury is also visiting the fixed air sign, creating the potential for light bulb moments to strike lightening fast. On Saturday, even more firepower comes online when Mars forms a cooperative sextile to Mercury from optimistic Sagittarius. But the red planet will find itself squabbling with Venus on Sunday when the two form a square. Fortunately, both are in flexible mutable signs, so giving peace a chance just might make it so. In addition to the Sun sign change and new moon, the week’s other beneficial offering is a sextile between money-makers Venus and Jupiter on Thursday, under an enterprising Capricorn moon. All and all, this is a great week for furthering our efforts in the arenas that are already paying off and for looking into future potentials and improvements.
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60 Minute Reading$222.00
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10 Minute Reading$44.40