On Tuesday night we get one of each year’s best occasions to chart a course for long-term goals, the new Capricorn Moon. This new Moon dawns as the incoming barrage of fixed sign squares begins its volley. Capricorn aims and accomplishes. Being the cardinal earth sign and ruled by Saturn, it is naturally imbued with drive, realism and abiding determination. The Moon rules daily routines and moods, and is thus associated with the endless tides of fleeting and fluctuating emotional states. Ringed Saturn is quite different. It is the planet of structure and limitations. Where we are prone to lolly-gagging, living beyond our means or squandering opportunities, stern, austere Saturn steps in. It reminds us of the finiteness of our resources, particularly that of time. In 2021, the meeting of the Sun and Moon in the sign of ambition, discipline and earned rewards clocks in at a hardy 23 degrees. right next to Pluto at 24 degrees. Together, those three are a force to be reckoned with. Two days later, powerhouse outer planet Uranus stations and turns direct in fellow earth sign Taurus. Once back online, the Awakener will add propulsion to the airwaves. Down-to-earth Taurus is of course also where action-oriented Mars has just begun a transit. While Mars doesn’t typically stick with the program, it certainly brings the lift-off factor.
Before Tuesday’s new Moon, a Mercury Jupiter conjunction will take place in lofty Aquarius on Monday. This is where we find the genius that will inform and the faith that will infuse long-range intentions. On Tuesday, before the new Moon, Mercury will square Uranus. On Wednesday Mars will square Saturn, and throughout the week Jupiter and Uranus will be forming their significant Sunday square. This week’s three squares are of course part and parcel of the larger patterns that are taking place over the next few years. As mentioned in last week’s post, the planets involved in these squares are currently in the early areas of fixed signs Taurus and Aquarius. Their power will only intensify. The resistance they mount now could quickly deduce whether or not we are sufficiently dedicated to our endeavors. If objectives don’t make it beyond these initial bumps in the road, they’re unfit for the long haul and will need reconsideration. Coincidentally on Friday Mercury will cross the shadow point of its forthcoming retrograde. On the other hand, if plans are fit to purpose, these early squares won’t be problematic. Inspiration from Mercury’s Monday meeting with hopeful Jupiter and sobriety from Tuesday’s Saturn-influenced, Pluto conjoined new Moon are constituents of what could well become the ultimate cosmic stockpile. It’s time to start stashing and caching.
60 Minute Reading$222.00
20 Minute Reading$88.80
15 Minute Reading$66.60