Things look so bad everywhere
In this whole world, what is fair?
We walk blind and we try to see
Falling behind in what could be
Bring me a higher love
Steve Winwood
February 2021 may get off to a bumpy start when the Sun squares Mars first thing on Monday morning. A tussle between those two is not exactly the ideal way to begin the week, much less an entire month. However, divine intervention will arrive a few hours later, when affectionate Venus moves into altruistic Aquarius. Joining the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, Venus will bestow a connection to what might be called the higher heart. The planet of beauty, pleasure and above all, love, is capable of not only changing the week’s tone, but setting a loftier one that will resonate until February 25th. Like a cosmic transmitter, Aquarius will broadcast these Venusian messages of love and the greater good throughout her transit. One one hand, the eleventh sign celebrates uniqueness and individual freedom. On the other, its aspirations are humanitarian and concern groups and communities. From its big picture perspective Venus will ask hearts and minds to consider alternative views. In this context, when fixed sign frays trigger conflicts, Venus, along with her celestial cadre, will clearly distinguish win/win scenarios from win/lose ones. Our willingness to take the high road will meet its first test on Wednesday morning when the Moon enters intense, fixed Scorpio.
It’s one thing to want to be a better person and to do the right thing, and sometimes it’s quite another to honestly navigate the waters of passion. Provocative Scorpio puts us squarely in touch with our feelings and emotional motives, and its waters can be dark, turbulent and downright uncomfortable. Add the tidal nature of the Moon, in this case one being barraged from five Aquarian squares and two oppositions from Taurus, from Wednesday through Friday morning. and emotions could get pretty, well, raw. But this is precisely what we’re being given to work through. After all, Scorpio is astrology’s force of purification. Its regenerative alchemy is here to transform every point of anguish into a beacon of sacred Light. Through their grace under fire square, Venus and this Moon will markedly reveal our options and their likely consequences. We’ll have to choose whether to act from the desires of the smaller self or from the wisdom the larger Self. After the Moon moves into Sagittarius, Venus will strategize with realistic Saturn on Friday night via their conjunction. Advice from sagacious, old Saturn can come in handy on Saturday, when Venus will square Uranus in earth-bound Taurus. Once again, the Aquarian halo will serve Venus, and us, well. Against chaotic Uranus, Venus would ordinarily be outmatched. But as the ruler of Taurus, her advantage comes from knowing every inch of the fixed earth sign’s terrain. With that understanding, she can adeptly locate areas for compromise, production and progress.
60 Minute Reading$222.00
30 Minute Reading$111.00
15 Minute Reading$66.60