Do you remember childhood summers when you excitedly waited on enormous lines to ride the area amusement park’s biggest, scariest roller coaster? Back then talk of soaring to its peaks and dropping precipitously consumed conversations with playmates, sometimes for weeks in advance of the outing. This astrologer is starting to think of 2020 as one ginormous ride. As an adult, the awareness that even the most thrilling excursion ultimately comes to its end is comforting, especially as we head into yet another week of twists and turns and ups and downs.
Monday’s Taurus Moon wants to assure us that all is calm and secure. In fact, early in the morning it will be in mutual reception to Venus when it forms a sextile to her in soothing Cancer. This is a bit like sitting down and getting strapped into our cart. When departing the platform the pace is slow, yet anticipation is palpable. We know that chaotic Uranus is also in Taurus, so sudden excitement is imminent and inevitable. Mischievous Mercury in Leo will offer the first hair-pin turn when it squares Uranus. Next the Moon and Uranus will link up, signaling that our wild ride is well underway. The Moon and Mercury will square next, and by late Tuesday morning the Moon will inch uphill readying us for the first giant drop, a square to the Leo Sun. Though a daunting dip, Leo’s sunny disposition rejoices in the play and helps us laugh at whatever is happening. All the while, that Taurus Moon is forming a series of trines with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, the sign of structure. The scaffolding is solid.
On Wednesday the Moon moves into friendly Gemini, where it will heighten social connections through Friday evening. But, for daredevils, pleasantly gliding along even rails is boring. Upstart Mars in combustable Aries will have none of that. On Thursday morning, via a square to Pluto, he will push us over the week’s steepest and most harrowing downslope, at breakneck speed. This is when both hands grab the safety bar and there’s typically a lot of screaming. It is the first of three squares between these two fearsome forces, and they’re poised to impact the economy. Making sure one’s wallet is safely tucked away, long before embarkment, isn’t a bad idea. Our stomaches get a chance to recover on Friday night when the Moon slips into nurturing Cancer, where it will conjoin Venus on Saturday morning. An hour later, unruly Uranus will station retrograde. Our adventure is winding down. A five-month unplug of this electrifying planet will give many of us the opportunity to catch our breath. It will also put the speed brakes on the incoming shocks and surprises Uranus has been doling out since January. Sunday brings the week’s most euphoric aspects, as the Sun and Mercury form exact trines to inexhaustible Mars. It’s time to enthusiastically regale friends and family with our celebratory and triumphant tales of navigating the week’s uproarious ride.
150 Minutes & Multiple Readings$555.00
60 Minute Reading$222.00
30 Minute Reading$111.00
20 Minute Reading$88.80
15 Minute Reading$66.60
10 Minute Reading$44.40