Hello, Welcome to the Sagittarius Sun season. It began last week as Venus slipped into purifying Scorpio. As I post, Mercury has just stationed in Scorpio, on its way out of the retrograde and into cheerful Sag, and we are close to a full moon eclipse in Gemini on the 28th. What does it all […]
About “The Dalai Lama’s Cat”
When you’re a full-time Lightworker, the paranormal is normal. We tend to see things as connected and synchronistic. So as Halloween approaches, those legends of the veils between this life and “the other side” thinning are perfectly natural. That being said, I want to share this story about the first night I cracked open my […]
Sun Into Scorpio 2012: Eliminate To Generate
“Come to the edge,” he said. They said, “We are afraid.” They came. He pushed them…. They flew. – Guillaume Apollinaire Emotional, fixed Scorpio thrives on intensity and change, and the Sun will dive into its purifying waters at 5:14 P.M. PST on October 22nd. Material matters will surface courtesy of a full Taurus […]
On Inauguration Day With Love
Hello, Welcome to the launch! Thank you very much for visiting my new site. It has taken time to develop and I had no idea that this beautiful Harvest Moon would be inauguration day. But Divine Time and Order are always much wiser than I. This sea theme has been coming through for quite a […]
Sun Into Libra 2012: Dare To Care
The Sun will shift into harmonizing Libra at 7:49 A.M. PST on September 22nd, but this cycle’s main event will take place on October 5th. That’s when lesson-baring Saturn will move from graceful Libra, where it has been since October 29, 2009, into passionate, purifying Scorpio. The transit will last until December 23, 2014 with […]