This week’s edgy tone is set from the start. But some refreshment will arrive on Friday night, courtesy of the new Cancer Moon, and more will come on Sunday when Mercury moves into Cancer. Until then, we’re in for a contentious ride.
Forecast Jun 21-Jul 4, 2021: Showdowns Showing Up
If you’ve ever considered unplugging all of your devices, retreating to some secluded corner of the world and returning only when the coast is clear, then the next few weeks are an ideal time to set those plans into motion. A combination of outer planet quincunx placements, inner planet conflicts with Pluto and heightened fixed sign friction is inbound. Astrology’s quincunx is not one of its harsh angles per se. Planets are simply 150 degrees apart, which places them in signs with varying elements and modalities.
Forecast May 10-16, 2021: Watch The Water
The week’s “big” news is Jupiter’s ingress into Pisces on Thursday. Leading up to the kingly planet’s arrival, several planets, like a group of faithful courtiers, will gather harmoniously for a royal welcome. Highlights include a new Moon in Taurus, supported by a Mars Uranus sextile, a Mercury Saturn trine and a Sun Neptune sextile. Each year’s new Taurus Moon offers an opportunity to affirm abundance.
Forecast May 3-9, 2021: Some Breathing Room
If the four-planet pileup in languid Taurus has left you feeling a little stuck, take heart. This week Mercury and Venus are on the move. But not so fast. Before leaving Taurus, both will have to settle some business with Jupiter.
Forecast Apr 26-May 2, 2021: To Hades And Back
All three of astrology’s outer planets will be activated this week, indicating that an extraordinarily eventful week is at hand. Pluto’s fingerprints will be all over the week, starting with an unpleasant square from the waxing Libra Moon on Monday, and ending with a Moon Pluto conjunction and a constructive conversation with Mercury on Sunday. Themes of destruction and resurrection are shared by Pluto and the sign modern astrologers assign to its rulership, Scorpio. On Monday night…