The undisputed star of this week’s astrology is Venus. She is the planet of beauty, pleasure and love, and this week begins with her entering lofty Aquarius. Like a cosmic transmitter, Aquarius will broadcast Venusian messages of love and the greater good throughout this transit, and these transmissions that will always offer guidance from the perspective of the Higher Heart.
Mercury retrograde
Forecast Jan 25-31, 2021: Deft Glassblowing
For those who are well-versed in their studies of astrology, the concept of Sabian Symbols is familiar. For the rest, this is a body of work which assigns specific images to each degree point in all twelve signs. Thus, Leo at 9 degrees is matched with the idea of glassblowers. While this week is action-packed from start to finish, its focal point is the full Moon at 9 Leo 06. Foreshadowing it, on Tuesday, the early Aquarius Sun will square Uranus. That square and the full Leo Moon epitomize the fixed sign friction of current celestial conditions. Thursday’s full Moon will be preceded by a Venus Pluto conjunction, and succeeded by a Sun Jupiter conjunction.
Forecast Jan 18-24, 2021: Making Moxie
Translation, there’s a whole lotta Aquarius coming in, and it’s happening on a scale that we haven’t seen for decades. Quirky, rule-bending and always original, Aquarius invites us to step out of the comfort zone and into experimental realms. The sign’s ingenuity and mental acumen may prove quite handy as we navigate the kaleidoscopic and turbulent start of 2021. Our first adaptation test will come straight on the heels of the Sun’s sign change, when Mars conjoins Uranus on January 20th.
Forecast Nov 2-8, 2020: The Expedition
In a year that has seen any number of obstacles thrown at a lot of people, forward movement is a blessing. Typically lightening-fast Mercury has been stuck in slow motion since mid October. In 2020, the annoying delays associated with Mercury retrogrades have been compounded by the frustrations of a simultaneous Mars retrograde. On Tuesday, the fleet-footed ruler of technology, commerce and communication will station direct. On the 13th, Mars will also station direct, ending its retrograde which began all the way back on September 9th. Mercury and Mars are personal planets.
Forecast Oct 19-25, 2020: Good Housekeeping
You know that things are going to get interesting during a week when Venus is flirting with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn and the Sun is moving into Scorpio and heading into a meeting with retrograde Mercury. In the aftermath of Mars’ unfriendly square to jovial Jupiter, the week gets off to quite a bumpy start. As the reverberations from that dispute settle down, a Scorpio-ensconced Mercury will boldly sting unpredictable Uranus, on Monday night. This is the second of their three oppositions, and this time Mercury’s retrograde status promises to make events all the more exciting, and maybe memorable. On the same day and in stark contrast, we have one of the year’s most fortunate trines, between benefics Venus and Jupiter with both in earth signs.