The leadup to next week’s full Moon (late Sep 1st MST) may at times feel like driving behind an 18-wheeler on the freeway, while cargo is falling out of the truck. There is one group of aspects helping us stay focused on our destination and road conditions, and there’s another tossing out the packages. As the saying goes, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Under a Virgo Sun, getting organized for the oncoming obstacles is easier than usual. Signaling that we’re indeed in for a bumpy ride, this week begins with a Mars square to Saturn at a seismic 26 degrees.
Mercury in Virgo
Forecast Aug 17-23, 2020: Reaching For Reason
This week Mercury, the Moon and the Sun encounter the ferocious fires of Leo, at their climax, before moving into orderly, rational Virgo. When shifting from fixed fire to mutable earth, we get the chance to distill passion into manageable, practical actions.
Forecast Sep 9-15, 2019: Sailing Through The Siren Songs
So while we tumble through this week and struggle with what to leave in and what to leave behind, Neptune’s indelible fingerprints will be all over our decision-making. On the helpful side, the oceanic outer planet of music, poetry and art will offer spiritual insights and a big picture perspective. From its shadow side, which is particularly pronounced with Neptune at home in Pisces, we’ll have to guard against delusion, addiction (yes that includes tech) and endless ambiguity.
Forecast Sep 2-8, 2019: Lock On Target
A plethora of planetary supports and challenges are about to roll out in rapid succession. Setting your course early in the week, as well as having a list of alternative routes and backup contingencies at the ready, will help immensely.
Forecast Aug 26-Sep 1, 2019: Walk On The Wild Side
But with all four planets and that new Moon making pronounced connections to wild, unorthodox and unpredictable Uranus, the desire to play it safe will likely give way to unconventional impulses, moves and tactics.