During the past few weeks, that familiar, yet uncomfortable, fixed sign friction has reemerged. Yet unlike 2021, with its relentless torrent of hard aspects, 2022 has a sizable antidote, Jupiter conjoining Neptune in reflective Pisces. Like every week since January 31st, the next seven weeks will begin with the Moon in a fixed sign. Not only does this get the week off to a strenuous start, it exacerbates tensions already present among the planets transiting fixed signs. Saturn and Uranus will remain in Aquarius and Taurus throughout the year. But in March, Mercury, Venus and Mars will spend time in the fixed air sign of Aquarius. So when the Moon visits Taurus on March 7th and 8th, Leo on the 14th and 15th, Scorpio on the 21st and 22nd, and so on, another layer of stress will be added to the ethers. Fortunately, the cosmos is simultaneously supersizing spirituality or at least offering an escape route.
Inclinations toward peace and compassion are in abundant supply as the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune visit holistic Pisces. Further, Mercury will traverse its mutable waters from March 9th-27th. In the background, expansive Jupiter and oceanic Neptune are making their way to an exact conjunction on April 12th. This tsunami of grooviness may be just what we need to take the edge off of fixed sign pressures. From getting lost in a good book, to devoting time to prayer and meditation, to making one’s spiritual practice a center point, Pisces offers many forms of expression. Most of them subtly prompt us to consider the bigger picture, the greater good or, at a minimum, the conditions and experiences of others. In this way, harshness dissolves, making way for a more relaxed state of being.
Mental Mercury’s sextile to Uranus on the 17th and its conjunction to Jupiter on the 20th will offer examples of Pisces perspective. Uranus is in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Its innovative prowess, in combination with the quick wit of nimble Mercury, can make short work of seemingly intractable problems. Similarly, on March 20th the Sun will enter fiery, combative Aries. The Mercury Jupiter alignment taking place later in the day will likely subdue Aries aggression. Because Neptune is one of our outer planets, the influence of its connections to other planets is weeks, if not months, in the making. By the 20th, the April 12th Jupiter Neptune conjunction will be in near full effect. While in mellow Pisces, Mercury is more likely to gravitate toward Jupiter, and echo Jupiter and Neptune calls to chill out and remain flexible. On May 10th euphoric Jupiter will enter enthusiastic Aries. Until then, the wisdom of contemplative, integrative Pisces is flowing.