When attempting to interpret any particular alignment, taking note of other significant aspects that are occurring simultaneously is essential. For the aspects color one another. The Summer solstice in the Northern hemisphere and Winter solstice in the Southern will take place on June 21st. Solstices take place in six month intervals. Astrology watchers recognize this time as the start of the Cancer Sun cycle. In 2022, a weighty earth trine between Venus and Pluto, and an Aries Moon conjunction to expansive Jupiter and sextile to clear-thinking Mercury, in Gemini, will also take place on the 21st.
Cancer is intuitive. Like its sister water signs, it feels its way through life. Deeply attuned to its sixth sense, it constantly scans its environment and instinctively interprets the world. While others are not always able to read Cancer, Cancer is always reading others. When not being overly emotional, the Moon-ruled sign’s hunches are usually uncannily accurate. So when the Sun moves though the cardinal water sign each year, everyone’s psychic ability gets a boost. An internal prompt to move beyond current limitations is also inherent in Cancer’s DNA.

Humans are funny. They will complain incessantly about their problems and predicaments. Yet when the opportunity to make changes, especially drastic ones, arises, they typically tenaciously cling to the sources of their alleged grievances. July 1st’s high-velocity Mars square to Pluto, in the cardinal signs of Aries and Capricorn, suggests that big changes are not only in the offing, but inevitable for many. As the solstice cycle begins, Cancer’s keen insights will be accompanied by planetary clarity, pragmatism and a little luck.
On the intellectual side, Mercury, Venus and Saturn will be lending support from clear-headed air signs. From its domicile, nimble Mercury will sextile fortunate Jupiter on June 20th and give everyone the 30,000 foot overview on July 2nd when it trines Saturn in Aquarius. Venus will move into quick-thinking, social Gemini on the 22nd and sextile Jupiter on the new Moon of the 28th. However, on that same day, the Cancer Sun and Moon will square Jupiter. This is both a prequel to the Mars Pluto square and a signal to fortify key relationships. On the practical side, the aforementioned Venus Pluto trine will infuse the Cancer Sun cycle on the 21st, and Mars will move into rooted Taurus on July 4th, the same day when Mercury will enter Cancer. Mercury’s square to Jupiter on July 8th will punctuate the cycle of cardinal squares, and perhaps point out the possibilities. In the coming days, perception will be paramount. The breakdown of old habits and paradigms can be viewed as crisis or opportunity. Jupiter in pioneering, provocative Aries is playing a pivotal role here. Another alignment that encapsulates the energies that will need to be managed over the coming weeks is the Sun Uranus sextile of July 10th. It embodies the Inklings, disruption and attainability that will need to be balanced in the summer of 2022.