The start of the year’s first Mercury retrograde, 2022’s first full Moon, and the Sun’s move into Aquarius are all set for the next two weeks. But of greater significance, the lunar nodes will shift into Taurus and Scorpio on the 18th, just as powerful Uranus stations and turns direct. The nodes describe the past, south, and the future, north. The south will be in Scorpio and the north in Taurus until July of 2023. Emotional, passionate Scorpio is where the juiciest bits lurk and live, and it’s where secrets are stashed. Of equal weight, Taurus is the home of sustenance and material wealth. The sign changes of the nodes will activate related topics along this opposition and bring more force to bear on the squares and oppositions among the other bodies in fixed signs. This includes the Saturn Uranus square that will remain tight throughout most of the year, as well as 2022’s eclipses, which will also occur on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. Battles over resources, changes in currency values, upheaval in financial markets and further supply chain disruptions are all on the table, as are revelations about corruption and betrayal. That Uranus will station, in Taurus, on the day of the nodal shift underscores the prominence of these matters and the influence of the game-changing outer planet. For perspective, 1935-42 was the last time Uranus was in Taurus. Between now and August 24th, Uranus will make it to 18:55 of the robust earth sign. With that in mind, Mercury’s coming retrograde seems downright manageable.
All three of the Messenger’s 2022 retrogrades will find the planet of technology and communication traversing from air signs back into earth signs. In this case, Mercury will travel from 10 Aquarius 20 back to of 24 Capricorn 23, from January 14th to February 3rd. Abandoned ambitions from winter break and New Year’s resolutions that have already been casualties of getting back to work might be revised during this one. Clever Mercury in air is full of bright ideas. Once back in sober Capricorn, they can be grounded in reality and given the right structure for manifestation. Also in the cardinal earth sign, the Sun will conjoin Pluto on the 16th. Revelations from their meeting and the full Moon, at 27 Cancer 18 on the 17th, can certainly shed more light. Some insights may arrive earlier, when the big dreams conjured by a Sun Neptune sextile on the 10th are scrutinized by a Mars Neptune square the following day. Also putting in their two cents in on the 11th, the Taurus Moon will conjoin Uranus before trining Venus. This combo is more than capable of delivering strokes of genius with real world applications. But if lightning fails to strike, Mercury will help with revisions and the Sun will begin offering ingenuity on the 19th when it enters Aquarius. So, relax, there is still plenty of time to get plans for 2022 on track.