In the wake of February 5th’s full Moon, the week will get off to a tense start. That waning, but still potent, Leo Moon will oppose a late degree Saturn, before moving into calm, organized Virgo in the afternoon. Also on Monday, Virgo’s ruler Mercury will sextile Neptune from constructive Capricorn, taking some more of the edge off arguments that the full Moon escalated. This pattern of stress and release will repeat during the next two weeks, as the Sun completes its Aquarius transit and reaches relaxed Pisces on the 18th. It’s not that there are no helpful aspects in the offing; it’s that there are better and worse times for picking battles, coinciding with a will to make peace. For example, stress that arises during that lunar opposition to Saturn on Monday is likely to resurface on the 12th and 13th when the Scorpio Moon will oppose Uranus and square the Sun and Saturn. Those difficulties can be preempted under the preceding Libra Moon, from the 9th-11th. In the sign of fairness, balance and diplomacy, the Moon will make supportive trines to an energetic Mars and mature Saturn. If the two malefics are bargaining in good faith, then peace indeed has a chance. If not, the Scorpio Moon will expose the imposters, false narratives and ulterior motives. Next, Saturn will conjoin the Sun on the 16th and the Aquarius Moon on the 19th. In between, on the 17th, from inclusive Aquarius, Mercury will sextile Jupiter as the Capricorn Moon conjoins Pluto. The two alignments simultaneously promote positive potentials and demand honest negotiations. For those wanting to stay away from the fray and front lines altogether, Venus and Neptune will offer a celestial respite.

Their exact conjunction in holistic Pisces on February 15th will be felt throughout this cycle. This is because Neptune is one of the three slower moving outer planets, whose transits are experienced for extended periods of time. Pisces is of course the sign into which the Sun and Saturn are heading. The Sun will enter its mutable waters on the 18th for a month long stay, and Saturn on March 7th, for three years. If Aries can be credited with beating the war drum, then Pisces has definitely been accused of smoking the peace pipe. And that’s not a bad thing. Planets inhabiting the twelfth sign have made their way through the entire zodiac. Quite literally, they have been there and back, and in so doing have gained enormous perspective. They abide in a space where all coexists peacefully. Consequently, they quietly inspire compassion, empathy and integrity. Saturn will be soon be testing our ability to realize the Pisces dream. The fixed sign friction surfacing now is showing us where resolution is needed most.