All new Moons signify beginnings. April 30th’s solar eclipse and new Taurus Moon will enjoy the extra benefit of a Venus Jupiter conjunction in harmonious Pisces. The planting of seeds, literal and otherwise, is particularly highlighted under each year’s new Taurus Moon. The physicality and tenacity of robust Taurus give intentions added potency and endurance. Additionally, the Sun will enter the fixed earth sign on the 19th, and between now and April 29th, Mercury will transit Taurus. In fact, due to its upcoming retrograde, Mercury will be spending time in Taurus until June 13th. This oncoming flow between the planets in Pisces, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune, and Taurus, the Sun, Mercury, Uranus and new Moon with its North Node, represents a dance between inspiration and manifestation. The Venus Neptune infused eclipse underscores the significance of this Tuesday’s Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces. Pisces speaks to us in symbols and dreams, making this week extraordinarily psychic and spiritual. Answers to important questions will be crystal clear and paths to peace will be wide open. As the exquisite music of the spheres plays, Mercury will chime in with practical ideas and Uranus will bring the innovation. This integration of the Pisces-ruled 6th sense with the 5 senses governed by Taurus will be on tap for nearly two months.

On the 14th provocative Mars will enter Pisces. Not the least bit touchy feely, Mars will nonetheless be left to probe etheric realms until May 24th. In the near term, April 16th’s cardinal full Moon, at a blustery 26 degrees of Libra, will exacerbate Pluto (and America’s chart), and a Mercury Saturn square on the 24th, under an Aquarius Moon, will agitate fixed sign tensions. The coming eclipses will take place on April 30th and May 16th, under uncompromising Taurus and Scorpio Moons. They’ll reverberate out into the t-square space of restrictive Saturn in Aquarius. That Mars will be mellowed out in subdued, psychedelic Pisces for the entire time will go a long way towards tempering aggression and encouraging holistic resolutions. Mercury’s retrograde will take place between May 10th and June 3rd. This one will be in Taurus, the sign of raw materials, durable goods and food, and Gemini, the sign of transport, technology and commerce. Its first two weeks will find Mars under the influence of Pisces. But once the planet of war makes it home to fiery Aries, the gloves may come off. By then, amplifying Jupiter will also be in impulsive Aries. But on May 22nd, Mercury will abandon the excitement of its Gemini home and return to grounding Taurus, where it will remain until June 13th. Long before things heat up, the planets are lining up to extend good vibrations and reliable, eternal wisdom.