The last week of 2019’s Virgo Sun cycle will be anything but the calm, cool and collected version of the mutable earth sign. That’s because the week will see Uranus make a lunar conjunction, Saturn turn direct, Mars and Pluto combine their considerable forces and the year’s final Jupiter square to Neptune. This is some Virgo housekeeping on an order of magnitude that we have not seen for quite some time.
Forecast Sep 9-15, 2019: Sailing Through The Siren Songs
So while we tumble through this week and struggle with what to leave in and what to leave behind, Neptune’s indelible fingerprints will be all over our decision-making. On the helpful side, the oceanic outer planet of music, poetry and art will offer spiritual insights and a big picture perspective. From its shadow side, which is particularly pronounced with Neptune at home in Pisces, we’ll have to guard against delusion, addiction (yes that includes tech) and endless ambiguity.
Forecast Sep 2-8, 2019: Lock On Target
A plethora of planetary supports and challenges are about to roll out in rapid succession. Setting your course early in the week, as well as having a list of alternative routes and backup contingencies at the ready, will help immensely.
Forecast Aug 19-25, 2019: New Doors Opening
As if to celebrate our emergence from the summer’s emotional eclipse season and the 8.8 Lion’s Gate, a festive Aries moon spends the better part of Monday and Tuesday making enlivening and supportive connections to Mercury, Jupiter and the late degree Leo Sun. Also squaring Saturn and Pluto, this revitalizing Aries moon may also point out where the new doors in our lives are now opening.
Forecast Aug 12-18, 2019: Futuristic Full Moon
These aspects will likely expose hard lines and hard-liners. But under a moon in the compassionate realms of gentle Pisces, our decisions, words and deeds can be infused with the intention of healing the situations we encounter.