When describing Mars as the servant of two selves, the ego self and the transpersonal self, Jungian analyst Edward Edinger said, “Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.” This week will be largely shaped by the Sun’s square to Neptune on Thursday, Saturday’s Mars Neptune conjunction and the three-day Pisces Moon bridging those two events.
Forecast Jun 1-7, 2020: Looking For Landmarks
Gemini has a nearly insatiable appetite for the 411. Curious, chatty and always circulating, Gemini is a veritable news hub unto itself. Friday’s full moon and eclipse, now pregnant with revelations, promise to exceed even Gemini’s exorbitant demand for data. Gemini also loves variety. Yet the oncoming barrage of personal planet interactions threatens to exhaust astrology’s effervescent Twins. Those Twins also have quite the reputation for bipolarity, and this week’s alignments will range from nice to nasty. Finally, Gemini rules the nervous system. For Earthlings, moving through the this week, peacefully and coherently, will take some effort.
Forecast May 25-31, 2020: Not Exactly On The Same Page
If you need a definite answer right now or you’re hoping to completely resolve an issue, that’s going to be tricky to impossible this week. Throughout the week, Mercury is making odd connections with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto and undergoing a sign change. The angles being formed are not particularly harsh. But being astrology’s quincunxes, they pose their own unique challenges.
Forecast May 18-24, 2020: Easy Does It
On the surface, this week’s noteworthy events are a Sun sign change into Gemini and the new Gemini Moon. But the planet to beware of is Neptune. This week the planet of illusions and deception will square Venus and Mercury, and several iterations of these squares are in the works for the next month.
Forecast May 11-17, 2020: An Abundance Of Cautious Optimism
Speaking of the planet of possessions and pleasures, Venus begins her retrograde on May 13th, the same day when Mars moves into Pisces, and that retrograde lasts until June 25th. In addition to finances, Venus represents who and what we love. After being cooped up for the past few months, our desire to reconnect with loved ones or indulge in a little retail therapy or pampering will be particularly strong, especially with Venus in sociable Gemini