Sometimes it’s when we’re confronted with the possibility of losing something important that we fully recognize its value. In a year when wearing masks has become not only familiar, but often mandatory, we’ve been given a unique opportunity to explore the value of expression. Whether you’ve had difficulties in breathing or speaking through a mask or you were forced to abstain from singing, praying or chanting with a group, we’ve all experienced blockages and restrictions at a very physical level. Metaphysically, much of this activity has centered around the throat chakra. The eclipses starting this week will prompt us to confront control structures while simultaneously stimulating our innate desire for liberty.
psychic readings
Forecast Nov 23-29, 2020: A Moment Of Reflection
This week gets started under the super intuitive power of Mercury in Scorpio forming a trine to Neptune in Pisces. On Saturday Neptune will emerge from a five-month-long retrograde, and on December 5th Venus in Scorpio will trine Neptune. At first glance, the hallmarks of 2020’s Sagittarius Sun cycle are obvious. Two yang-sign eclipses are on the way, as are the much anticipated shifts of Jupiter and Saturn into yang-oriented Aquarius. The fiery Sag Sun is also set to trine Mars in outgoing Aries on December 10th, and Mercury, once in Sagittarius, will trine Mars on the 14th (the day of the second eclipse). There is no doubt that unfolding events are substantial.
Forecast Nov 16-22, 2020: Further Clarification
Back on October 7th Mercury made the first of three oppositions to global game-changer Uranus. Back then Mercury had already crossed into the shadow zone of a retrograde that would take it into probing Scorpio. After that retrograde was underway, Mercury and Uranus formed their second opposition on October 19th. Mercury in Scorpio can either keep or reveal the darkest secrets. But a retrograde stance encouraged the planet of information to spill the tea. Uranus, for its part, brings the shock and awe. On Tuesday, a now direct Mercury will take on unorthodox Uranus for the final time in this series.
Forecast Nov 9-15, 2020: The New Epoch
When a single week includes Mercury diving into Scorpio, our final Jupiter Pluto conjunction for thirteen years, motivated Mars going direct and a potent new Scorpio Moon, the Universe is telling us that a new paradigm is awakening. This auspicious week could get off to a contentious start via a Venus Mars opposition on Monday. Both planets are in their home signs, where their values are fortified.
Forecast Nov 2-8, 2020: The Expedition
In a year that has seen any number of obstacles thrown at a lot of people, forward movement is a blessing. Typically lightening-fast Mercury has been stuck in slow motion since mid October. In 2020, the annoying delays associated with Mercury retrogrades have been compounded by the frustrations of a simultaneous Mars retrograde. On Tuesday, the fleet-footed ruler of technology, commerce and communication will station direct. On the 13th, Mars will also station direct, ending its retrograde which began all the way back on September 9th. Mercury and Mars are personal planets.