After the dust settles from Monday’s full Aquarius Moon, this week will see sign changes for Mercury and Venus. But before even lightening-fast Mercury can bust a move into fiery Leo on Tuesday, Mars will get into it with Jupiter.
Elizabeth Pendleton
Forecast Jul 27-Aug 2, 2020: Whole Lotta Shaking
Scorpio is also one of astrology’s inflexible fixed signs, and before the day is over that Scorpio Moon will clash with the Sun in fixed Leo and Uranus in fixed Taurus. If left unresolved, struggles that arise out of those collisions will intensify on Sunday when the Leo Sun squares Uranus and on the following Monday, August 3rd, under the full (fixed) Aquarius Moon. If you’re a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) or dealing with a fixed sign person, choose your words wisely or wait for better conditions.
Forecast Jul 20-26, 2020: The Call To Adventure
Each fire sign is a force of nature unto itself. Add two hyper-vitalizing planets to the mix, and bang! During the 2020 Leo Sun cycle, passions will run extra hot when Mars brings his audacious Aries kindling to Leo’s homecoming celebration. The red planet will of course continue his Aries transit until early 2021. But the September 9th start of his forthcoming retrograde will temper his firepower and cool his proverbial jets considerably. That makes the incoming Leo Sun cycle all the more critical of a time to strike while the iron is hot or to at least take in this cosmic boost of inspiration and drive. It all starts on Wednesday when the Sun returns to Leo. But before we get there, another reboot of sorts is on offer.
Forecast Jul 13-19, 2020: Home Is Where The Heart Is
Home is one of Cancer’s core concerns. Each year when the Sun rolls through this cardinal water sign family, home and the emotions we attach to them are emphasized. 2020, with its shelter-in-place orders, restaurant closures and work from home business initiatives, has placed even more focus on our dwelling places. This week, a potent Cancer Sun is set to run headlong into Jupiter and Pluto, and the planet that Cancer rules, the Moon, has an eventful journey of its own.
Forecast Jul 6-12, 2020: Rejuvenation Station
This week the planets are offering some gentle relief, powerful psychic insight and a second wind, courtesy of the healing, relaxing water signs. By Sunday the Mercury retrograde will be over and a spirit-alchemizing Sun trine to Neptune will be exact.