As if to celebrate our emergence from the summer’s emotional eclipse season and the 8.8 Lion’s Gate, a festive Aries moon spends the better part of Monday and Tuesday making enlivening and supportive connections to Mercury, Jupiter and the late degree Leo Sun. Also squaring Saturn and Pluto, this revitalizing Aries moon may also point out where the new doors in our lives are now opening.
Forecast Aug 12-18, 2019: Futuristic Full Moon
These aspects will likely expose hard lines and hard-liners. But under a moon in the compassionate realms of gentle Pisces, our decisions, words and deeds can be infused with the intention of healing the situations we encounter.
Forecast Aug 5-11, 2019: Skies Ablaze
With the planet of pleasure and the planet of good fortune in positive fire signs and favorable angles, our aspirations will continue picking up speed, momentum and enthusiasm. Not only will the solar power be amplified further once Mercury joins the Sun, Venus and Mars in Leo, but the residue of the summer’s Mercury Rx will evaporate once the watery Cancer wake is cleared.
Forecast Jul 29-Aug 4, 2019: Sun Showers Passing
Informative Mercury initially entered Cancer all the way back on June 4th. Though it will remain in the cardinal water sign until August 11th, on Wednesday, its long, laborious retrograde concludes. Giving us even more reason to celebrate, earlier in the day the new moon dawns at 8 degrees and 37 minutes of Leo.
Forecast Jul 22-28, 2019: Sunny Skies Ahead
Though Mercury won’t turn direct until the 31st or head into Leo until August 11th, Venus’s entrance into the Lion’s den on Saturday continues to assure us that the high emotional tides of the past few months are quickly giving way to sunny skies and happier days.