From optimistic Sag, the planet of beauty and pleasure will point to a better direction for our focus and it will show us the possibilities for a happier future. In short, the transits getting underway this week offer a pathway from victim to victor and from suffering to success.
Forecast Oct 21-27, 2019: Surprise, Surprise
This week the cosmic emphasis shifts into detecting, shamanic Scorpio, and the influences getting underway now are set to stay with us for the remainder of 2019. On Wednesday the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in the fixed water sign of Scorpio and the week concludes with a provocative new Scorpio moon.
Forecast Oct 14-20, 2019: Only Getting Started
Take note of the insights that show up now: they have big implications for the coming weeks. Pisces concerns matters of spirit and Capricorn concerns matter itself. After the Tuesday’s Neptune trine, informative Mercury sextiles Pluto on Saturday, and on Sunday Venus sextiles constructive Saturn.
Forecast Oct 7-13, 2019: The Gloves Come Off
In ancient astrology Mars ruled both Aries and Scorpio. Though the styles of those two signs are quite different, Aries being cardinal fire and Scorpio fixed water, both are extremely passionate, unafraid to fight and exceptionally capable of executing and winning a war. This week both signs play prominent roles in the cosmic mix.
Forecast Sep 30-Oct 6, 2019: Calling All Transformers
The reverberations from the planetary action taking place this week will resonate throughout the autumn of 2019. The week starts with an unfriendly Venus square to Pluto on Monday and ends with a show-stopping confrontation between Mercury and unpredictable Uranus on Sunday. In between, Pluto emerges from its five-month retrograde, Mercury heads into Scorpio for […]