With a series of cooperative connections between planets in economically interested Capricorn and borderless, infiltrating Pisces, this week’s intentions to restore order are likely to yield mixed results. For most people, the best thing about a Mercury retrograde is its conclusion. Because the current one has largely taken place in the unstable water sign of Pisces, it has been particularly wonky. But on March 4th mental Mercury backed up into Aquarius, the fixed air sign. The retrograde ends on Monday, following an analytical full moon, in one of Mercury’s home signs, Virgo. From that exceptionally sharp Aquarius vantage point, until March 16th, the messenger planet will help us devise and clarify strategies as it moves forward. On Tuesday more clarity comes online when the moon shifts into judicious, fair-minded Libra, astrology’s cardinal air sign. But that same moon will be dogged by squares from a sizable Capricorn contingent. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are the sign of banking, governments and systems, highlighting the role of central banks, the desire to keep businesses moving and the issue of maintaining employment amid a pandemic. Starting with Wednesday’s Sun Jupiter sextile. the planets in Capricorn will begin making favorable connections to the planets in Pisces. It’s as if cooler heads are not only genuinely trying to prevail but to earnestly come to an agreement while circumstances are proving to be far too elusive and volatile. This continues right through Saturday when two more Capricorn Pisces combos surface. These two, unlike Wednesday’s lighter version, involve global powerhouses Neptune and Pluto. Mars sextiles Neptune and the Sun sextiles Pluto. Rational Mercury might just be might be the planet to focus on this week. When notions of recession, pandemic and uncertainty abound, logical Mercury will encourage reasoned thinking, fact-checking and sensible actions.
Ps: I’ll admit, I got it wrong in last week’s column regarding Mercury Rx-induced recounts for last week. Unpredictable Uranus took the day (week) with an unexpected sweep of the Democratic field. In my monthly forecast, I did say that the field would likely shake out after Super Tuesday. I was surprised to see it happen in the course of 72 hours. From here, I still see Q2 at high risk of being the onset of a global slowdown, recession or outright collapse of some systems. Until the Pisces energies completely pass (April 10th), and we get a grip on solid data for COVID-19, the Great Fog will persist.

15 Minute Reading$66.60
10 Minute Reading$44.40
60 Minute Reading$222.00
30 Minute Reading$111.00
20 Minute Reading$88.80
30 Minute Sound Bath$88.80
150 Minutes & Multiple Readings$555.00